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Making Sustainable Cities Through Play seminaari 10.3.2023

Tampereen yliopisto
Ajankohta10.3.2023 8.15–13.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Skateboarders in Tulli Neighbourhood.
Tervetuloa Making Sustainable Cities Through Play seminaariin 10.3.2023! Seminaari on ilmainen ja avoin kaikille kiinnostuneille. Voit osallistua paikan päällä Tampereella tai etäyhteydellä. Seminaari järjestetään englanniksi.

Place: Auditorium D10a in Tampere University Main building, City Centre Campus (Kalevantie 4, Tampere) or online via Zoom, through this link (Meeting ID: 636 3134 7324, Passcode: 359000)

Registration: You can join us without pre-registration. However, if you would like to join coffee service at 11.30-11.45, please sign up by 3.3. at 14.00 with this form. That way we’ll know how much servings to order and can avoid food waste.

Cities are promoting culture, events, and various recreational activities to be ‘creative’. As a marketing buzzword creativity is used to generate economic value and stand out from other cities. However, creativity, play and recreation are important factors promoting wellbeing and sustainability in cities. The seminar delves into the multifaceted role of creativity and play in urban settings.


10.15 Urban Lab in Tulli Neighbourhood, Markus Laine & Salla Jokela/Tampere University
10.40 Skateboarding and DIY culture in urban development: case Kenneli DIY and Hiedanranta, Mikko Kyrönviita/Tampere University
11.00 Politics perspective: Remaking Creative and Sustainable Tampere, Jaakko Stenhäll/ Member of the City Board, Tampere
11.30-11.45 Coffee break
11.45 Keynote: Skateboarding, Creativity and Sustainability: Remaking cities through play, Duncan McDuie-Ra/University of Newcastle
12.45 Discussion
13.00 End of the seminar

The seminar is organised as part of Urban Lab course of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Development in Tampere University jointly with STUE (Sustainable Transformation of Urban Environments) profiling area and Insurgent Spatial Practices Research Group with support of University of Newcastle, Australia, and Visions of the City project (Academy of Finland).

Keynote speaker Duncan McDuie-Ra

Dr. McDuie-Ra is professor of urban sociology at the University of Newcastle and Assistant Dean for Research. McDuie-Ra’s main research interests are urban culture, urban play, urban media, urban technology, surveillance, and memory, with a primary focus on cities in the Asia-Pacific. McDuie-Ra’s monographs include: Skateboarding and Urban Landscapes in Asia (Amsterdam Univ Press, 2021); Skateboard Video: Archiving the City from Below (Springer, 2021); Ceasefire City: Militarism, Capitalism and Urbanism in Dimapur (co-authored with Dolly Kikon, Oxford Univ Press, 2020); Borderland City in New India: frontier to gateway (Amsterdam Univ Press, 2016); and Northeast Migrants in Delhi: Race, refuge and retail (Amsterdam Univ Press, 2012). Recent work has appeared in the journals: Mobilities, Modern Asian Studies, Political Geography, Memory Studies, Emotion Space and Society, Area, and Development & Change. McDuie-Ra skateboards every day and falls often.

