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II International Symposium on Social Interactions in Inclusive Settings

SijaintiÅkerlundinkatu 5, Virta Building, 33210 Tampere
Mahdollisuus osallistua verkossa /The event will also be online.
Ajankohta5.5.2022 7.00–6.5.2022 15.00
Ilmoittautumisaika päättyy 1.5.2022,20.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
The II International Symposium on Social Interactions in Inclusive Settings is happening on the 5th and 6th of May, 2022.

What is the symposium about?

The symposium addressed the wide topic of inclusion, particularly focusing on social interactions happening in inclusive social contexts. Inclusion is discussed from different perspectives. This year, the keynote speakers will discuss important matters related to trauma-informed practices in school, the social competencies of children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder, and multilingualism in Early Childhood Education.

Additionally, the symposium brings the opportunity to learn interesting research methods. This year we are bringing experts from the Netherlands, Canada, and Norway to teach the basics of (1) Conversation Analysis in the classroom context, (2) Micro-genetic analysis of human development in early childhood, and (3) how to combine non-participant observation, in-depth interviews, sequential analysis, and generalized mixed-effects models to unravel complex interaction dynamics in a mixed-method approach. I am sure it will be great!

What else does the symposium offer?

The students (from bachelor to doctoral level) from Tampere University can earn up to 3 study credits by attending the Symposium and delivering a written assignment designed especially for the event (for more information visit our webpage).

Where is the symposium happening?

The symposium is organized at the Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University, in hybrid mode; you can attend online or face-to-face and it is completely free of charge.

Registration is open until the 1st of May, but there are limited places for the methods sessions. You can check the entire program on the website.

Our symposium is open also to students from other universities in Finland and abroad, as well as professionals in the field of education, thus, feel free to share the link and invite your friends. We will provide a certificate of attendance upon request.

For further information, you can contact the organizer or any member of the organizing team. Email addresses are available at https://events.tuni.fi/sociabilityandinclusion2022/contacts/ 


Juliene Madureira Ferreira, Faculty of Education and Culture


For further information, you can contact any member of the organizing team.