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Eye on Tampere - Living and working in Tampere

SijaintiTohlopinranta 31, 33270 Tampere
on-site Mediapolis and online https://www.accelevents.com/e/eyeontampere
Ajankohta4.4.2022 9.30–14.00
Ilmoittautumisaika päättyy 4.4.2022,9.30
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Banner for a hybrid event. Title: Eye on Tampere - Living and working. Time: the 4th of April starting at 11.30am.
Hundreds of international students start higher education in Tampere every year, the vibrant city and great study opportunities are attracting them but why do we see so many leave after their studies?   

There are many cultural and geographical challenges to cope with but the most important is finding a job. Why are so many future talents not finding a job in Tampere? What are the key aspects we should concentrate on in order to raise the number of students that stay to work and live in Tampere after graduating? 

Eye on Tampere - Living and working in Tampere is a hybrid event that brings different actors to discuss the topic on the 4th of April 2022! The doors open at 11.30am and program starts at 12 o'clock CET+1!

The event is organised as a part of Eye on TAMK 2022 Multidisciplinary International Week. It is hosted by Isabella Presnal and consists of a panel discussion, entertainment and keynote speeches. Please check the program and register now, the event is free of charge!


Follow the event and latest updates at our blog and connect with us in Instagram and LinkedIn


Master's Students of Emerging Media


eyeontampere@gmail.com Meri Ekola meri.ekola@tuni.fi