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Avoin luento: Writing a doctoral dissertation

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKalevantie 5, Tampere
Keskustakampus Linna, luentosali K103
Ajankohta24.5.2019 9.00–12.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma

Pekka Belt pitää avoimen luennon väitöskirjan kirjoittamisesta. Luentoa voi seurata suorana lähetyksenä oheisesta linkistä.


Available also live online.


After the lecture doctoral researchers will have a good perception of what is required from a doctoral dissertation and of the structure a typical dissertation. Doctoral researchers will also know how to reach the goal as efficiently as possible while maintaining high standards. The lecture has been designed to benefit doctoral researchers from all academic fields. The lecture aims to give tips both for starting doctoral researchers and for those at the final phases of their thesis process. The lecture covers both monographs and article-based dissertations.


  • Dissertation requirements and structure
  • Monograph
  • Article dissertation
  • Publication process
  • Optimal order of writing
  • Schedule for dissertation process

Lecturer: Dr Pekka Belt
More information about the lecture

More information:
Coordinator Olli Nuutinen, olli.nuutinen [at] tuni.fi, 050 421 1096



Tampere University Doctoral School