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Avoin luento ja seminaari: Transforming university teaching and curriculum

SijaintiÅkerlundinkatu 5, Tampere
Tampere University, keskustakampus Virta, EDU’s café
Ajankohta3.10.2019 9.30–12.45
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Welcome to the open lecture and seminar aimed for all members of academic community!

The second event in the lecture series “Insights into learning and teaching in transforming contexts of higher education” (Aug - Nov 2019)

The lecture series addresses topical issues in university communities: How do we know if university teaching promotes student engagement and high-quality learning gains? What is a transformative power of curriculum? How to understand “global attractiveness” and internationalisation of universities?​ The aim is to have an analytical and critical look at development processes in academic work. The lecture series explores new perspectives for the future – from the teacher’s and student’s perspective – in the international/global context of higher education. 

3 October 2019, Tampere University, City centre campus, Virta, EDU’s café

09:30 – 10:45 Open lecture
Paul Ashwin (Lancaster University): “Transforming university teaching and curriculum”
10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:45 Open seminar
Lotta-Maria Sinervo, Anna Kork & Kirsi Hasanen (Tampere University): “Between theory and practice: controversial outcomes of curriculum development in public financial management”
Jyri Lindén & Johanna Annala (Tampere University): “The relationship between knowledge and competencies in higher education curriculum”
Discussant Paul Ashwin

*For catering purposes, please register for the event: registration form 

The event will possibly be video streamed online – more information will be provided closer to the event: https://research.tuni.fi/het/event/lecture-series-2019/ 



The event is a part of the open lecture series organised by HET Higher Education in Transition research group and the Team of University Pedagogy, Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University.


Jyri Lindén, jyri.linden@tuni.fi