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Tampere University Student's Handbook

Alumni studies

Right to study reserved for alumni

Graduates who have completed a master’s degree or a doctoral degree at our University (or the University of Tampere or Tampere University of Technology) may be admitted to Tampere University based on their alumni status to seek further professional development.  This separate right to study may also be granted to individuals who have completed a bachelor’s degree at Tampere University (or its predecessors) who do not hold the right to study towards a master’s degree in the same degree education.

As one of our alumni, you may apply for the right to complete courses within your original degree programme. You may also be granted the right to complete courses within some other degree programme, if you satisfy the requirements (for example, you may be required to have completed courses worth at least 15-25 credits within the degree programme).

In addition, students can apply for an alumni right to study for the following Finnish as a second language (S2) courses organised by the Language Centre:

  • LANG.SUV.007 Finnish 7
  • LANG.SUV.008 Finnish 8
  • LANG.SUV.009 Finnish for Working Life
  • LANG.SUV.010 Communication for Finnish 1
  • LANG.SUV.011 Communication for Finnish 2

The application for the Finnish courses should be submitted to the Faculty of Education and Culture. Admission is conditional on the student fulfilling the prerequisites for the course and that there is room in the teaching groups.

You may be granted the right to complete courses within no more than two study modules at the same time. Your right to study will remain in force for up to two years (max).  

Alumni studies will remain free of charge until the end of the academic year following graduation. After this, the studies will be subject to a charge (€15 per credit until 31 July 2024). From 1 August 2024 onwards the tuition fee charged for basic and intermediate studies as well as other studies will be €20 per credit and €30 per credit for advanced studies. An exception are the studies included in teacher education in university degrees, such as the study modules in the subject to be taught, which alumni students can study without a fee (Government Decree on Fees Charged for Universities’ Operations 17.12.2009/1082). The academic year at Tampere University runs from 1 August to 31 July. For example, if you graduate with a master’s degree in May, you will be able to pursue alumni studies free of charge until the end of July next year. Your studies will be subject to charge after July.

As we accept applications for alumni studies on a rolling basis, there is no set deadline for submitting an application (except for the Degree Programme in Languages; applications for courses in English or Scandinavian Languages are processed only twice a year).   

Please enclose a separate letter of motivation with your application. If you are applying for the right to complete studies offered within two study modules, you must submit two separate applications.   

If you do not satisfy the requirements to be granted the right to study reserved for alumni, you may complete courses that our faculties offer through the Open University.

Some of our degree programmes, such as the Degree Programme in Architecture, are only available to alumni who have originally graduated from the programme. Some degree programmes, such as the Degree Programme in Theatre Arts and the Degree Programme in Medicine, are not available to alumni students.

Please contact Student Services for more information.

Application for the right to study reserved for alumni is to be found on the Student's forms page.

Published: 30.1.2019
Updated: 20.6.2024