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Tampere University Student's Handbook

International student tutoring

Each year more than 1 000 new international degree and exchange students start their studies at Tampere University, some to complete a bachelor's or master's degree, some to spend a semester or academic year here as an exchange student. Adapting to their new environment, a new way of studying, student life and the Finnish culture might seem a bit confusing in the beginning. An international student tutor is an invaluable help for the new student in this process. International tutors are usually older students, Finnish or international, who have been trained to act as tutors.

An international tutor is often one of the first contacts in Finland for the new students and an important help in many practical issues at the beginning of the studies. Regular meetings and common events provide unforgettable experiences as well as friendships and networks for both tutors and tutees! For the faculties, student tutors are an essential and highly valued part of peer guidance, which helps new students get an efficient start to their studies and involved in the student community. As an international student tutor, you will get to work with a multicultural group for an academic year, gain transferrable skills in intercultural communication and group work, learn project management skills, learn more about university services, and most important of all, get new friends and have fun! You can also include international student tutoring in your degree's Internationalisation module.

At Tampere University international student tutoring is organised by the International Mobility Services and the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) in close cooperation with faculties, the Student Union and student / subject associations (guilds) operating within the Student Union (TREY).

The ways in which tutoring is conducted in each faculty/programme and in each subject association (or guild) may vary slightly, but the principles and roles are the same. Tampere University is responsible for student tutoring and TREY is coordinating tutoring on an operative level. The Student Union coordinates the application process, marketing and helps with the tutor trainings. TREY is in active contact with the international tutoring organisers through Hovi*.

At it’s best, tutor selection process is a joint effort with the subject association (or guild) and the relevant degree programme’s tutoring contact. It is beneficial to have both association and programme level information on students applying to be tutors. The tutoring organisers contact the programmes during tutor application period to agree on ways of working for the selection process.

*the body of persons in charge of newcomer and tutor activities

See our videos on why you should apply: Apply to be a tutor! (4 parts)

Published: 27.2.2019
Updated: 16.9.2024