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TAMK Student's Handbook

Degree Regulations and additional guidelines

TAMK's Degree Regulations

Degree Regulations of Tampere University of Applied Sciences from 1 August 2023


1 § Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
2 § Degrees and related education
3 § Commissioned education
4 § Professional teacher educations
5 § Continuous learning
6 § Quality management


7 § Student admission and acceptance of study places
8 § Intake of transfer students
9 § Selection of optional professional studies or specialisations
10 § Change of degree programme, specialisation, or field of study (Finnish degree title remains the same) 
11 § Intake of exchange students


12 § Academic year
13 § Registration for attendance or non-attendance
14 § Tuition fee obligation and study right
15 § Duration of study right (normative duration and statutory extension time)
16 § Extension of study right (discretionary extension time)
17 § Loss and return of study right
18 § Application of SORA legislation


19 § Personal study plan
20 § Credit transfer for studies and competence
21 § Credit transfer for studies completed in international exchange and acceptance of practical training
22 § Participation in teaching and student counselling
23 § Language skills
24 § Enrolment on courses
25 § Assessment of study attainments
26 § Amendment request on study attainments and credit transfers
27 § Retake of study attainments and improvement of grades
28 § Expiry of studies
29 § Certificates
30 § Cross-institutional studies and preliminary credit transfer


31 § Accessible learning and operating environment
32 § Deceit


33 § Effective date

1 § Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)

TAMK’s educational mission is in accordance with the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014) and Government Decree on Universities of Applied Sciences (1129/2014).

On 11 December 2014 the Finnish Government granted TAMK an operating licence with the educational responsibilities in which TAMK can organise degree-awarding education and professional teacher education.

TAMK's educational responsibilities, their specifications and degree titles (Appendix 1).

At TAMK, the language of instruction and degrees is Finnish but education can also be provided in other languages in accordance with the curricula.

Guidelines specifying the degree regulations are published in intranet.

2 § Degrees and related education

It is possible to complete bachelor's and master's degrees at TAMK.

Bachelor's degrees
The extent of bachelor's degrees is 210, 240 or 270 credits.
TAMK's bachelor's degree studies consist of:
1) basic and professional studies
2) free-choice studies
3) practical training and
4) bachelor's thesis.

Master's degrees
The extent of master's degrees is 60 or 90 credits.
TAMK's master's degree studies consist of
1) advanced professional studies
2) free-choice studies and
3) master's thesis.

Implementation of education
Degree-awarding education is implemented as courses. Their extents, objectives, contents, assessment criteria, teaching methods and other related information are available in TAMK's degree programme curricula and course-specific implementation plans.

The degree programme curricula are approved by TAMK’s Higher Education Council. The requirements related to development of the European higher education area have been considered in them. Curriculum descriptions and the credit system follow TAMK’s curriculum principles approved by the Higher Education Council and the European Qualifications Framework, which also facilitate international comparison of degree programmes.

The credit system complies with the ECTS system, in which one academic year is equal to 60 credits. A credit means on average 27 hours of student work used for completion of the course. It includes all needed work, such as contact teaching and independent study.

More information:
Structure of studies

3 § Commissioned education

The bachelor’s degree can be completed as commissioned education (Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014; 13 §). A fee is collected on commissioned education and the education is produced for groups according to an agreement signed by the university of applied sciences and the commissioning party. A fee may not be collected from EU citizens. Student admission to commissioned education follows the valid general admissions criteria. In order to graduate from the commissioned education and receive the degree certificate, students have to achieve the competence objectives of the degree programme. Commissioned education students do not have the right to be absent or have statutory extension time in order to complete their studies.

4 § Professional teacher educations

Tampere University of Applied Sciences' Professional Teacher Education provides professional teacher education for teachers working at universities of applied sciences and vocational institutions as well as for those wishing to become teachers. The Professional Teacher Education also provides professional special needs teacher education and professional guidance counsellor education.

The professional teacher education studies consist of
1. basic studies in education
2. professional pedagogical studies
3. teaching practice and
4. other studies.

The structures of professional special needs teacher education and professional guidance counsellor education are defined in the curricula.

The extent of the educations is 60 credits.

5 § Continuous learning

Continuous learning responds to the need for increasing, developing and updating competence during different phases of life and career. Tampere University of Applied Sciences offers continuous learning with need-based contents and diverse methods, such as specialisation studies, open UAS studies and initial training for immigrants. Continuous learning possibilities are also offered through paid education and RDIL.

Specialisation studies
Specialisation studies are professional development and specialisation studies for higher education graduates with work experience. Their objective is to produce competence in fields of expertise which have no market-based educational provision.

Specialisation studies can be organised by universities of applied sciences which based on their operating licence provide professional teacher education or bachelor's degree education in degrees and degree titles in the field of the specialisation studies. The minimum extent of specialisation studies is 30 credits. Organisation of specialisation studies requires that the university of applied sciences is a party to a mutual contract between universities of applied sciences. The Finnish National Board of Education maintains a public list of specialisation studies.

Specialisation study students' position is legally comparable to degree students. In specialisation studies, the duration of study right is determined based on the implementation time and it can be extended with three months if necessary. Specialisation study students may not register for non-attendance.

Open university of applied sciences studies
In accordance with the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (L932/2014), it is possible to complete bachelor’s and master’s degree studies in the open UAS if students have a temporarily and contentually restricted right to study for the studies at the university of applied sciences.

Open UAS studies comply with the curricula of the university of applied sciences. Open UAS studies are free of charge for attending degree students if they include the studies into their degree. It is possible to apply for a degree student with a separate application via the open UAS route.

6 § Quality management

TAMK's quality management supports development of operation based on received feedback and follow-up data. Students, staff and other interest groups give feedback and participate in development. Feedback provision is a part of students’ tasks. Feedback is processed and utilised in accordance with agreed policies. Responding to feedback is part of the processing. Description of feedback policies and related instructions are available on the intranet in the student's guide.

More information:
Feedback on education (


7 § Student admission and acceptance of study places

TAMK’s Higher Education Council confirms the principles of student admission criteria. The vice president for education decides on admission criteria for each degree programme, specialty trainings and professional teacher education.

Student admission is implemented by means of joint or separate application. In professional teacher educations, student admission takes place through joint separate application. TAMK employs different selection methods and individual arrangements for entrance examinations to ensure accessibility for student selection.

TAMK provides health care, social services and professional teacher education applicants with information on health and functional ability requirements. Persons who do not have the health or functional ability needed for study-related practical duties or clinical or practical training cannot be admitted. Admission may also be prohibited by a prior study place cancellation decision if required by protection of other people's health or safety. TAMK applies case-specific consideration in determining the relevance of the prior cancellation decision for the field.

The vice president for education decides on intake of students.

Admitted students have to bindingly notify whether they accept the study place by the date defined by the Ministry of Education and Culture for the joint application or by the date defined by TAMK for separate applications. Admitted students also have to register for attendance or non-attendance by the date set by the university of applied sciences or they will lose their study right. Student admission is conditional until the relevant original certificates have been checked where necessary.

In professional teacher educations, admitted students have to bindingly notify whether they accept the study place by the date defined by TAMK.

Applicants can in written request for a correction to the student admission decision from TAMK's Board of Examiners in 14 days after publication of the admission results. Students have the right to appeal against the Board of Examiners' decision to Hämeenlinna Administrative Court in 30 days after being informed of the decision.

8 § Intake of transfer students

Transfer students are higher education degree students whose study right is transferred from a Finnish higher education institution to another.

Students may be accepted to transfer students if they have a valid study right in a Finnish higher education institution and if they have completed enough degree studies in consideration of the used study time. Prerequisites for the transfer are that the applicant fulfils the admission criteria for transfer application.

Transfer students from other Finnish higher education institutions are accepted only in the beginning of each semester. Transfer is applied for at the Studyinfo service in the spring and in the autumn.

Students transferring inside TAMK from one degree programme to another are also transfer students if the pursued Finnish degree title changes.

Within TAMK, transfer students from one degree programme to another with a different degree title can be accepted flexibly using continuous application. Decisions are primarily made after weeks 17 and 45.

For external and internal transfers, decision proposals are prepared by the student counsellor together with the head of competence area or a person authorised by the head.
The vice president for education decides on the acceptance of transfer students. The right to study, including the time thereof, is transferred with the student to the new degree programme.

Before commencing studies, all transfer students have to construct a preliminary personal study plan including the studies to be completed and their completion time. The student counsellor guides the students in the creation of a personal study plan. The person in charge of the degree approves the personal study plan at the beginning of studies. After this, the student applies for the agreed credit transfers.

9 § Selection of optional professional studies or specialisations

Where degree programmes have optional professional studies or specialisations, they are selected during the third study year at the latest. If all applicants cannot be admitted to optional professional studies or specialisations, the student's number of completed credits and study success in other than free-choice studies are used as the admission criteria. The head of competence area or a person authorised by the head decides on the selections.

10 § Change of degree programme, specialisation, or field of study (Finnish degree title remains the same)

Students may apply for change of the degree programme within the same field of study provided that the Finnish degree title remains the same.

If the applicant fulfils the degree programme eligibility criteria, has studied primarily for at least one semester, has progressed well in their studies, and there are free study places in the student group, the head of competence area decides on the transfer based on the application.

Students who change degree programmes have to construct a personal study plan for the new degree programme with help from the student counsellor. The study plan indicates the studies to completed and the schedule thereof.

Students may apply for change of specialisation, type of training (daytime lectures, multiform studies, online studies) or campus. The decision is made by the head of competence area.

Change of the field of study or change of the degree programme inside the field of study in case the Finnish degree title is different requires an internal transfer application (8 §) or joint application procedure.

11 § Intake of exchange students

Exchange students are only accepted from higher education institutions abroad with which TAMK has a valid agreement.

TAMK does not accept exchange students who cannot be offered the requested studies. In addition, there may be prior knowledge requirements. Exchange students are accepted by the head of competence area or a person authorised by the head on the proposal of the international coordinators.


12 § Academic year

TAMK's academic year starts on 1 August and ends on 31 July. The academic year consists of separately defined periods. The timetable of the academic year is published annually on the intranet in the student’s guide by the end of March.

More information:
Academic Calendar

13 § Registration for attendance or non-attendance

To preserve their study right, students have to register for attendance or non-attendance each academic year during the duration of the study right. Statutory extension time is automatically recorded in the student register after the student has constructed an approved study plan with PAKKI student desktop.

Upon registration, students must review and, where necessary, rectify their contact information. Students are responsible for keeping their contact information in the student register up to date throughout their studies.

If a student has not informed TAMK of their updated personal data or contact information, they may not refer to any information they have not received regarding their study right, for instance.

Students must inform the Study Services of changes in personal data (e.g. a name change) without delay.

Students can only register for non-attendance for the first academic year if during the first academic year they

1) complete national service in accordance with the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007) or Act on Voluntary Military Service for Women (194/1995);

2) need child care leave in connection with child birth or adoption (53/2022); or

3) are unable to begin their studies due to an illness or disability.

Students may change their registration for the latter semester by contacting the Study Services. If registering for non-attendance, students have to deliver the documents related to the statutory ground to the Study Services.

Continuing students register either         

- present for the whole academic year, or

- absent for the whole academic year, or

- present for the autumn semester and absent for the spring semester, or

- absent for the autumn semester and present for the spring semester.

Continuing students register for attendance or non-attendance for the following academic year on 31 July at the latest. Students who are liable for tuition fees must register by May 31 by paying the first instalment of the next semester's tuition fee. They can change the registration they have done for the spring semester by 30 November by contacting the Study Services.

The registration for attendance is made in accordance with the granted extension time by the Study Services for students for whom the head of the competence area has granted discretionary extension time.

Students may change their attendance registration (attendance/non-attendance) during the academic year with an electronic form that is available on the intranet in the student’s guide.
Study Services records the changed information in the student register. If attendance is changed to non-attendance in the middle of a semester, a full semester is deducted from the study right.

The registration for attendance is made in accordance with the granted extension time for students for whom the head of the competence area has granted discretionary extension time.

In specialisation studies, students may not register for non-attendance.

Students registered for non-attendance
Students who have been absent register for attendance or non-attendance for the following academic year on 31 July at the latest. Students who have been absent for their first academic year register as determined by the university of applied sciences. If students have been granted extension time, they may not register as absent. Detailed guidelines on registration for attendance or non-attendance can be found on the intranet in the student's guide.

Students registered for non-attendance can use TUNI credentials and student email but do not have access rights to TAMK's facilities.

Students registered for non-attendance do not have the right to complete studies. Students registered for non-attendance are not entitled to student financial aid, meal subsidy, travel discounts or any benefits of the student union membership.

TAMK does not separately organise studies that have ended or been changed during the student's absence.

Negligence of registration obligation
Negligence of the registration obligation means loss of study right. Detailed instructions on re-application and return of study right can be found on the intranet in the student's guide.

Further information:

Starting your studies - Register as a new student

Enrollment for the academic year

Did you forget to register?

14 § Tuition fee obligation and study right

Students who have the obligation to pay a tuition fee have to pay it in accordance with the university of applied sciences’ guidelines. Neglect of the tuition fee leads to loss of study right. Return of the study right requires payment of the tuition fee, delinquency charges (5% of the payment sum per delay month) and a handling charge.
The payment obligation applies to all semesters in which the student registers for attendance and has a valid study right. Refund of the tuition fee is considered separately in each case and is only granted on the following grounds: a negative residence permit decision or statutory exemption grounds (granted citizenship/residence permit). As regards students who began their studies in 2017-2019, an approved international mobility period (student exchange/international practical training) may be a ground for refund of the tuition fee.

Transfer students’ tuition fee obligation is determined in connection with student intake. If the original study right which forms the basis for transfer started in a degree programme with no tuition fee, there is no tuition fee obligation after the transfer either. If the student was granted a tuition fee reduction in the prior higher education institution, it will not transfer along with the study right from one higher education institution to another.

In double degree implementations, tuition fee is applied to cooperation institutions’ non-EU/EEA students and bilateral agreement students in accordance with the double degree agreement.

Scholarship system

The university of applied sciences has a scholarship system to support students with the tuition fee obligation. The tuition fee reduction of first-year bachelor’s degree students may be a maximum of 50 % and the reduction of first-year master’s degree students a maximum of 20 % if the student accepts the study place bindingly by the given date. In the following years, the reduction is granted based on study success in accordance with separately defined criteria specified in TAMK’s guidelines / on the intranet in the student's guide.

15 § Duration of study right (normative duration and statutory extension time)

Studies have to be completed during the duration of the study right. The duration of the study right starts when applicants have accepted the study place, TAMK has registered them as students and students have registered for attendance for the first time.

Students have the obligation to keep their contact information in the student register up to date during their whole study time.

The normative duration of bachelor's degree programmes is 3.5 years in 210-credit degrees, 4 years in 240-credit degrees and 4.5 years in 270-credit degrees.

Absence caused by completion of national service in accordance with the Conscription Act, Non-Military Service Act or Act on Voluntary Military Service for Women, child care leave in connection with child birth or adoption, or being unable to begin the studies due to an illness or disability is not counted into the duration of the studies.

Transfer students’ study right is based on the degree to which they are admitted. The attendance and non-attendance periods which they have used during the studies which form the basis for the transfer are also counted into the duration of the studies.

Bachelor's degree programmes
In bachelor's degree programmes, the studies have to be completed in at least a year after the normative duration of the studies (statutory extension time), ie during the duration of the study right (L932/2014 §30). Retraining and upgrading of qualifications have to be completed in at least a year after the planned duration of the studies.

The student has to present a plan on the studies exceeding the normative duration of studies by the end of November (30 November) or by the end of May (31 May). The plan has to be based on the study plan made with the teacher tutor or student counsellor. The student delivers the plan for checking through the PAKKI student desktop. The statutory extension time is determined based on the requirements to finish the studies. For any students liable for tuition fees, the extension time is granted as a full year.

Master's degree programmes
The normative duration of master’s degrees is determined in the degree programme curriculum. In accordance with the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (20.3.2015/325) 14§, it has to be possible for full-time students to complete 60-credit studies in a year and 90-credit studies in 1.5 years (normative duration of studies). In master's degree programmes, the studies have to be completed in at least a year after the normative duration of the studies, ie during the duration of the study right.

Professional teacher educations

In professional teacher educations the studies have to be completed during the duration of the study right, which is three years.

Commissioned education

In commissioned education, the duration of the study right is determined based on the made agreement.

16 § Extension of study right (discretionary extension time)

If students cannot complete their studies during the duration of the study right, they have to apply for discretionary extension time with PAKKI student desktop. The decision is made by the head of the competence area or a person authorised by the head before the study right ends, i.e. by 30 November or 31 May. With regard to finishing their studies, students must construct a study plan, including a relevant schedule, with the student counsellor or another appointed person. Students have to present the specific reasons that justify their application. The discretionary extension time can only be granted for minor studies missing from the degree or studies if graduation is possible during the extension time. Discretionary extension time can be granted on individual grounds, for example due to health or on other justified grounds. As a rule, discretionary extension time can only be applied for a semester at a time and for a year at the most.
For any students liable for tuition fees, the extension time is granted as a full year.

In professional teacher educations, discretionary extension time can as a rule be granted for a semester. Extension time is not granted if the student already has completed the study attainments demanded for the degree or studies.

A statutory fee is collected on processing of the application.

Further information:

Extension time

17 § Loss and return of study right

Loss of study right
If students neglect their registration obligation for attendance or non-attendance during the normative duration of their study right, they will lose their study right.

If students do not apply for extension time to their studies by the deadline, they will lose their study right.

Loss of study right due to the above-mentioned reasons is not notified separately.

Students who have not been granted discretionary extension time will lose their study right. They will be informed of the decision.

Return of study right

If the student has neglected the registration obligation during their studies and re-applies for the study right, the study right can be returned from the beginning of the application month at the earliest. The online application form is processed by the Study Services. Students who are liable for tuition fees are required to pay any missing tuition fees.

Students who have not constructed a study plan for the statutory extension time with PAKKI student desktop or have not applied for discretionary extension time by the deadline can apply for return of the study right from the vice president for education. The application is prepared by the student together with the student counsellor. The detailed guidelines can be found on the intranet in the student's guide. A statutory fee is collected on processing of the application.

The student may in written apply for correction of the decision concerning return of study right from TAMK's Board of Examiners in 14 days after being informed of the decision. Students have the right to appeal against the Board of Examiners' decision to Hämeenlinna Administrative Court in 30 days after being informed of the decision.

If students want to resign from TAMK, they have to fill in an online resignation notice. If they later want to continue their studies, as a rule they have to re-apply using the normal application procedure. Resigned students may on certain conditions have their study right back on an application on the vice president for education’s decision. The application is prepared together with the student counsellor and a statutory fee is collected on the application. The detailed guidelines can be found on the intranet in student's guide.

Further information:

Return of study right


18 § Application of SORA legislation

The purpose of the SORA (solutions to unsuitability) legislation is to improve safety of education and working life thereafter as well as to increase the higher education institution’s possibilities to interfere in unsuitability to the field. The objective is also to improve patient and client safety, safety of minors and students’ legal protection.

At TAMK the SORA legislation applies to degree programmes in the field of health care and social services. The SORA legislation also applies to professional teacher education studies and open UAS path students in the field of health care and social services.

Accessibility and admission requirements

Applicants’ health and functional ability as well as other matters which can prevent student admission according to legislation and cannot be removed with reasonable measures are evaluated in student admission (L932/2014 §26).

Presentation of criminal record extract

TAMK can require students to present an extract from the criminal record if they are given such duties in studies or study-related clinical or practical training which substantially require working with minors. If students refuse to present the extract from the criminal record, their study right can be suspended until they agree to present the extract from the criminal record.

Student counselling

Before potential suspension of the study right, the student has the right to be heard. Potential support measures and ways to support the student have to be considered together with the student.

Suspension of study right

If students refuse to participate in health or functional ability tests or examinations required by TAMK, their study right can be suspended until they agree to the tests and examinations. The board of Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd decides on suspension of study right.

Guidelines on suspension of study right can be found on the intranet in student's guide.

Cancellation of study right

The study right can be cancelled if

  • the student has proved unsuitable to work in study-related practical duties or clinical or practical training by endangering other people's health or safety
  • the student does not fulfil the health and functional ability requirements for student admission
  • the student has withheld a prior cancellation decision in the application phase
  • the student has been convicted of a crime which may prevent from working with minors.

Before the cancellation decision proposal, the student counsellor contacts the student to discuss the possibility of applying or transferring to another degree programme.

Return of study right

The cancelled study right can be returned on the student's application if the study right has been cancelled due to health or functional ability and the applicant demonstrates that the grounds for cancellation no longer exist.

The board of Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd decides on cancellation and return of study right. The student may apply for correction of the decision concerning cancellation and return of study right from Opiskelijoiden oikeusturvalautakunta in 14 days after being informed of the decision and thereafter from Helsinki Administrative Court.

Procedures for cancellation and return of study right can be found on the intranet in student's guide.

Further information:

SORA guidelines

Act on Amendment of Universities of Applied Sciences Act, 33§ (entry into force on 1 January 2023)



19 § Personal study plan

Students make their personal study plans within the limits defined by the degree structure and degree programme curriculum. It is students' obligation to keep their personal study plan up to date and check it annually with their teacher tutor or another nominated person. Students are entitled to receive help in the construction of their study plan.

If the student’s personal study plan deviates from the curriculum (as regards basic and professional studies), the person in charge of the degree approves the personal study plan.

20 § Credit transfer for studies and competence

Credit transfer for studies
The university of applied sciences can allow credit transfer for studies completed in other Finnish or foreign higher education institutions or separately agreed higher education level studies. New students primarily apply for credits during the first period and continuing students three weeks before studies begin. Credit transfer decisions are made before studies commence by the head of the degree programme or the head of competence area. Transferred credits and their grades are primarily entered as originally assessed.

Acknowledgement and recognition of competence
Students have the right to apply for acknowledgement and recognition of competence acquired elsewhere, regardless of where and how it was acquired.
The recognised competence has to conform to the degree programme course learning objectives. The student takes the initiative to receive acknowledgement and recognition of their competence.
The competence is identified and recognised by the teacher in charge of the course or the head of the degree programme.

Assessment mainly follows the same assessment criteria and scale as courses that include the corresponding competence. Based on consideration, it is also possible to use the assessment passed (S).

The credit transfer guidelines for studies and competence can be found in intranet.

Further information:

Credit transfer for competence

Credit transfer for studies completed elsewhere

21 § Credit transfer for studies completed in international exchange and acceptance of practical training

TAMK follows the credit transfer system approved by the European Union and thus studies and practical training passed abroad are fully transferred to the degree to be completed if they conform to the made learning agreement.

Outgoing exchange students have to fill in a written learning agreement form before departure. The learning agreement is approved by the head of competence area or a person authorised by the head on the proposal of the school's international coordinator. After the studies abroad, the exchange institution has to give a transcript of records and/or a certificate including the realisation of studies and study success. The international coordinator enters the completed courses to the study register in accordance with the transcript of records or certificate.

All studies passed in the exchange institution are included into the student’s degree.

Passed studies and accepted practical training are entered to the study register according to the following assessment scale: A = excellent (5), B = very good (4), C = good (3), D = satisfactory (2), E = minimal pass (1) and FX = fail (0) or in exceptional cases with the marking pass (S).

If students do not complete their exchange studies or practical training as agreed on in advance, an individual grant or part of it can be claimed to be returned. At TAMK, decisions concerning interruption of international student exchange and practical training and calling of students to the home country as well as related claims for recovery are made by the vice president for education.

TAMK only sends students to higher education institutions with which it has a valid agreement and/or a specific or exchange programme.

22 § Participation in teaching and student counselling

Students have the right to have personal student counselling during their study time. Students have the obligation to participate in student counselling and take responsibility for their study progress.

Studies and related teaching are organised as courses. Courses included in the degree programme and their recommended implementation plans have been described in the curriculum. Students have the right and obligation to participate in the work forms of courses in such a manner that the course objectives are attained. If the targeted competence and the implementation of studies require compulsory attendance, the teacher has to state it in the course implementation plan in Peppi.

The course descriptions include learning objectives, key  contents and assessment criteria and possible required previous studies.
If the completion of the course requires previous studies, they must be specified in the course description.
The online course implementation plan describes the work forms, completion requirements, completion order, schedule, attendance requirements, assessment methods and retake dates of each course. They are discussed in detail at the beginning of the course implementation.

Bachelor's degree programmes include practical training according to the curriculum objectives to enhance professional skills. The practical training acquaints students in a supervised manner with the practical work assignments that are central especially from the viewpoint of professional studies as well as application of knowledge and skills in working life. Students are entitled to receive guidance for the training from the head of practical training.

In the bachelor's thesis, students apply their professional studies knowledge and skills to working life needs. In foreign-language degree programmes the bachelor's thesis is usually written in the language of instruction.

In master's degree programmes, the master's thesis aims at developing and demonstrating students' ability in applying research information and using selected methods to analyse and solve working life problems.

Finnish degree programmes may include courses or modules that are implemented in English.
Respectively, English degree programmes may include Finnish courses or modules.

23 § Language skills

Students are required to demonstrate that they have attained through studies included in their university of applied sciences degree or otherwise    

1) such proficiency in Finnish and Swedish as is required of state officials functioning in a position requiring a higher education in a bilingual office according to the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies and that is necessary for practising the profession and for professional development and

2) such oral and written proficiency in one or two foreign languages as is necessary for practising the profession and for professional development (A1129/2014 §7).

If students have received their school education in some language other than Finnish or Swedish or students have received their school education abroad, they can be exempted from all or some of the language proficiency requirements. Other grounds for language proficiency exemptions are specified on the intranet in student’s guide. Students have to complete equivalent number of other studies agreed on with the student counsellor. The decision on exemption is made by the head of competence area.

Grounds for exemption can be found on the intranet in student's guide.

Students have to write a maturity test on the field of the thesis to demonstrate their familiarity with the field and Finnish or Swedish language skills depending on their language of school education. The maturity test can be taken in Finnish or in English if students have received their school education in some language other than Finnish or Swedish or completed their school education abroad. In Finland, the language of school education is the language in which the person has completed the comprehensive school (Basic Education Act 628/1998) if the person has completed a vocational upper secondary education or the native language of general upper secondary education, Finnish or Swedish, if the person has completed the general upper secondary education (Act on General Upper Secondary Education 629/1998).

If TAMK students complete a double degree in a cooperation institution, they have to take the maturity test in the language determined in the above-mentioned guidelines.

If a cooperation institution’s students complete a double degree at TAMK, they have to write an English abstract of their thesis and complete the maturity test in English.

Grounds for exemption can be found in intranet.

Further information:
Language studies – 9. Exemption from language studies

24 § Enrolment on courses

Students enrol on courses through the Pakki student desktop by the date specified in the implementation plan. The teacher in charge of implementing the course has to select and accept students to the course before the beginning of the course.

If more students enrol on a course than can be taken, priority is given to degree programme students for whom the course is compulsory. In courses offered for all students and free-choice studies, students are mainly taken in the enrolment order.

Courses can be cancelled if enough students do not participate in them.

25 § Assessment of study attainments

Course assessment criteria for learning objectives are described in detail in the course descriptions. Previous study attainments are assessed on the competence scale excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), satisfactory (2), minimal pass (1) and fail (0). The marking pass (S) can exceptionally be used if it has been separately stated in the degree programme curriculum or personal study plan.

In professional teacher educations, study attainments are mainly assessed with the marking pass (S).

Course assessment criteria are described in detail in the course implementation plan. The assessment criteria are discussed with students at the beginning of each course implementation. Attainment-related examinations or other competence tests mainly have to be organised during the course implementation. Students are informed of the grade by entering it into the record of credits within three weeks of the examination. Students must have a reasonable amount of time for preparation between the assessment and the retake.Teachers' free periods are not counted into the assessment period.

Students have the right to receive feedback on the study attainment, familiarise themselves with the assessed study attainment and be informed of application of assessment criteria and related methods in their case. Students have the obligation to check their transcript of records annually and immediately inform their teacher tutor or the student counsellor of potential shortcomings.

Teachers have to enter all study attainments completed during the academic year to the student register by 31 July. The number of credits cannot be changed after the study attainment has been entered to the record of credits. The teacher has to store the assessment criteria and study attainments for a year at the minimum after the results have been published.

Upon request, the student is during the studies entitled to have a transcript of records including the completed studies and grades. Studies entered into the student register cannot be removed from the record and numerical assessment cannot be changed to the marking S (pass) afterwards.

26 § Amendment request on study attainments and credit transfers

Students have the right to request for amendment of study attainment assessment or credit transfer for studies completed elsewhere or otherwise demonstrated competence either in written or orally.

Amendment requests concerning study attainment assessment have to be made to the concerned teacher in 14 days after students had the possibility to see the assessment results and be informed of application of assessment criteria in their case.

Amendment requests concerning credit transfer have to be made to the decision-maker in 14 days after being informed of the decision.

Amendment requests related to study attainment assessment or credit transfers have to be processed urgently and related decisions have to be given in written.

If dissatisfied with the amendment decision on study attainment assessment or credit transfer, the student may submit a written amendment request on it to Tampere University of Applied Sciences' Board of Examiners in 14 days after being informed of the decision. It has to be stated in the amendment request to the Board of Examiners how the decision should be amended and on what grounds. The amendment request is delivered to TAMK’s Registry and Records Management. The decision of the Board of Examiners cannot be appealed.

The Board of Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd nominates the chair and members of the Board of Examiners as well as their deputies.

27 § Retake of study attainments and improvement of grades

As a rule, demonstration of competence directly related to the course implementation has to be organised during the course implementation. Competence demonstration methods as well as retake dates are described in the course implementation plan.

If students do not pass the assessment, they have two retake attempts left. If students are unable to present an acceptable reason for their absence in the retake, the absence is considered as fail. If students have an acceptable reason for their absence (eg illness), the absence is not considered as fail.

As a rule, retakes are to be completed during the same academic year in the e-exam environment or as separately agreed on in the degree programme. If students do not pass any of the retakes, they have to re-enrol on the course and complete it as agreed on with the teacher.

Raising grades is subject to the same assessment criteria and principles as the initial performance. The opportunity to raise a grade does not pertain to parts of an implementation unless such alternative has been provided in the implementation plan of the course. If the assessment is based on a performance that is not repeatable in terms of its evaluation (for instance, exams in pairs, group exams or practical training), the student is not eligible to raise their grade. Once the degree is complete, it is not possible to raise grades.

As a rule, retakes are to be completed during the same academic year in the e-exam environment or as separately agreed on in the degree programme. Passed course implementations cannot be reattended. The student has the right to recomplete a transferred course on the head of competence area’s or a person authorised by the head’s decision.

28 § Expiry of studies

The general expiry time for studies is ten years. The head of competence area can decide on a different expiry time in the degree programme.

29 § Certificates

TAMK awards students a Finnish and English electronic degree certificate for the degree they have completed and a transcript of records as an appendix to it. The degree certificate and its appendices state the degree and its extent, title, name of the degree programme, specialisation or optional professional studies, and key contents of the degree. In addition, the student receives a Diploma Supplement for international use.

The degree certificate and its appendices are granted and signed by the president or by the vice president for education if the president is prevented.

Degree certificates are not assigned to students before they have delivered their thesis to the library in accordance with the thesis guidelines. Detailed guidelines for transferred theses can be found in intranet.

There are two graduation days a month. In August and January, there is only one graduation day. It is not possible to graduate in July. As a rule, students are to submit the online degree certificate application after their personal study plan has been checked at least two weeks before the graduation day. At the same time, students have to check correctness of their study attainments and other information to be given on the degree certificate. The application has to be submitted during the duration of the study right and all study attainments have to be registered then.

TAMK provides a Finnish and English electronic certificate of the completed professional teacher education, special needs teacher education and guidance counsellor education. The student also receives a Certificate Supplement for international use.

The professional teacher education certificates and their appendices are signed by the president or the vice president for education if the president is prevented.

There are two graduation days in professional teacher educations each month. In August and January, there is only one graduation day. It is not possible to graduate in July.

TAMK provides a Finnish electronic certificate on specialisation studies. Those completing English-language specialisation studies receive both a Finnish and English certificate.

Specialisation study certificates are signed by the president and if he is prevented by the vice president for education.

30 § Cross-institutional studies and preliminary credit transfer

Attending students can complete applicable compulsory, optional or free-choice studies of bachelor’s degrees or professional teacher educations at higher education institutions with which TAMK has a separate agreement. Students are awarded a separate study right for the studies. More detailed guidelines on cross-institutional studies can be found on the intranet in student's guide.

If it has been agreed on in advance that the studies to be completed are transferred to students’ bachelor’s degree or professional teacher education, students do not need to separately apply for credit transfer. The studies are described in TAMK's curricula or educational provision. A separate study right to cooperation institutions is registered for TAMK's attending students directly based on their study right at TAMK before the beginning of the studies.

If it has been agreed on in advance that the studies to be completed are transferred to students’ bachelor’s degree or professional teacher education, students do not need to separately apply for credit transfer. The studies are described in TAMK's curricula or educational provision. A separate study right to cooperation institutions is registered for TAMK's attending students directly based on their study right at TAMK before the beginning of the studies.

The cooperation institution which provides the studies is in charge of assessment of the studies and the amendment procedure. In cross-institutional studies, students have to follow the rules and guidelines of the cooperation institution.

Further information:
Cross-institutional studies



31 § Accessible learning and operating environment

TAMK’s goal is to be accessible, participatory towards students and personnel and free of harassment and racism.

Students' individual needs for study arrangements are reasonably considered in the organisation of education as well as teaching and guidance.

Individual study arrangements do not form a basis for changing the learning objectives set for a degree or a course. They are instead used to support the achievement of objectives where a special need arises.

More information:
Accessibility and individual study arrangements for students

32 § Fraud

TAMK applies the National Advisory Board on Research Ethics' guidelines on responsible conduct of research and procedures for handling allegations of misconduct. The board was nominated by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Fraud may relate to thesis work, course performance, practical training or other performance or work related to studies. Rule breaches by students have separate stipulations for consequences that adhere to the Universities of Applied Sciences Act. Consequences are contingent on the severity and the recurrence of the breach.

Procedures concerning fraud situations are described on the intranet (Academic ethics for students).

Further information:

TAMK’s procedures in fraud situations

Student rights and obligations



33 § Effective date

These degree regulations are effective from 1 August 2023 and supersede the previous degree regulations which took effect on 1 September 2022. The degree regulations are applied to all students immediately after the regulations have become effective.


Further information: johdontuki.tamk [at]

Published: 30.1.2019
Updated: 11.7.2024