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The MEDALLION project studies ways to give medical professionals better tools to analyze medical data and improve workflows.

The project aims to improve medical analyzation tools with several ways.

Intuitive interaction. The MEDALLION project studies ways to give medical professionals better tools to analyze medical data. By using Extended Reality (XR) environments, doctors can use their human senses to explore and interact with data more intuitively. This will improve their workflows, reduce mistakes, and save time and money.

XR metrology. Within the MEDALLION project, we develop an XR metrology for quality control. This is essential in the medical domain.

Collaborative XR. The MEDALLION project studies ways to give medical professionals better tools to analyze medical data. By using Extended Reality (XR) environments, doctors can use their human senses to explore and interact with data more intuitively. This will improve their workflows, reduce mistakes, and save time and money.

Learn more about our research on the project website


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