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Laboratory of Biosystem Dynamics

Lab of Biosystem Dynamics

Research focus and goals

The Laboratory of Biosystem Dynamics (LBD) of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology of Tampere University, Finland, studies the in vivo dynamics and regulatory mechanisms of bacterial gene expression, from single genes up to large-scale circuits.

The LBD uses a single-cell approach supported by time-lapse microscopy, flow-cytometry, RNA-seq, and synthetic gene engineering, along with multi-scale stochastic models and methods from network theory and signal processing. The aim is to understand how structure and dynamics of bacterial gene networks relate, to find new strategies for how to disrupt or stimulate them that, in the long-term, can contribute to therapeutical and biotechnological efforts.

Contact persons

Andre Ribeiro, Professor
Principal Investigator

andre.sanchesribeiro [at]