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KÄVELI: Home monitoring of Parkinson's disease

Tampere University

Käveli project builds a system to monitor and analyze the walking patterns of Parkinsons disease patients at home. Home monitoring is done using the sensors of the smartphone, force sensor integrated to smart insoles of shoes and wrist-worn accelerations sensors. The target of the project is to study if the home measurements could be utilized for assessing the state of the disease and for following its changes and the effect of medication.   Measurements are conducted for a total of 150 participants, of whom 100 have Parkinsons disease. Project is done in collaboration with Tampere University, Satakunta Central Hospital, Suunto Oy, Forciot Oy and Orionpharma Oy.

Hankkeeseen osallistuu Tampereen Yliopiston lisäksi Satakunnan keskussairaala, Suunto Oy, Forciot Oy ja Orionpharma Oy.


Parkinsons disease is a neurological disease affecting the ability to move and live independently. The symptoms progress over time, but they vary a lot. Thus accurate and objective evaluation is difficult during a short clinic appointment. Home monitoring could give more objective and extensive information about the status of the patient.


The key research questions of the project is to assess how well the motor symptoms related to the level of the Parkinsons disease can be detected from the long-term home measurements, and which set of sensors would provide the best results. In the project signal processing and machine learning methods are utilized in building the system.  Longer-term vision of the research is, that the motion analysis could be utilized for monitoring the development of the disease, monitoring the effectiveness of rehabilitation, interventions, and treatments, and ultimately as a tool in decision support systems.

Pidemmällä tähtäimellä tavoitteena on kehittää hankkeen tuloksien avulla Parkinsonin taudin motoristen oireiden mittaamiseen järjestelmä, jonka avulla voitaisiin parantaa Parkinsonin taudin lääkehoidon vaikuttavuutta.

Funding source

Business Finland


Satakunta Central Hospital

Suunto Oy

Forciot Oy

Orionpharma Oy


Contact persons


Jari Ruokolainen

jari.ruokolainen [at]

+358 50 482 1353


Project researcher

Milla Jauhiainen

milla.jauhiainen [at]