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The purpose of this research group is to assess function, effectiveness and quality of geriatric services both from the viewpoints of the patient and healthcare system.

The main research topics include detection of factors predicting different health outcomes and testing and developing tools for healthcare professionals for assessing older patients and monitoring quality of their care. The main focus is on acute care of the aged, including orthogeriatrics, and – on the other hand – on the management home care clients’ chronic conditions.

Besides coworkers at GEREC, the research group co-operates with researchers from Tampere University Hospital (emergency care, gastrointestinal surgery, infectious diseases, orthopedics) and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, FIMEA and University of Eastern Finland.

Other members

LT Lauri Seinelä
LT Hanna Pajulammi (Keski-Suomen keskussairaala)

LL Saila Haapasalmi
LL Hanna Kerminen
FM, puheterapeutti Riitta Lähde
LL Heidi Mörttinen-Vallius
LL Riina Nurmi
LL Jukka Rönneikkö
FM, proviisori Jasmin Paulamäki