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Experimental Immunology

The research carried out in the Experimental Immunology research group centers on the basic mechanisms of immune response. We use primarily non-mammalian models such as the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and zebrafish Danio rerio, to investigate host-microbe interactions and the genes involved in immune activation. Moreover, there is great interest in identifying new genes that take part in the regulation of immune signaling, since uncontrolled immune activation is harmful to the organism. The great benefit of these non-mammalian model organisms is that we can study immunity-related signaling and interactions between tissues at the whole organism level.

Research focus and goals

To find novel genes important for immune system activation or regulation. To study the properties of the immune system of the host as well as pathogenicity/virulence factors of the infecting organisms.

Contact persons

Mika Rämet, professor

mika.ramet [at]

+35850 4336276