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Building a Competitive Edge in a Fair Data Economy for Higher Education

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.1.2023–31.12.2024

Examples of research questions are:
- How can data be shared in a secure and value-producing way?
- What kind of data can be used in different research projects and in different fields?
- In what kinds of matters can multidisciplinary cooperation be done?
- What kind of training content does the data expert of the future need?


FairDatAct is a multidisciplinary project whose goal is to develop Tampere University of Applied Sciences' (TAMK) research and education in themes related to data and artificial intelligence. Experts from the manufacturing industry, construction, social and health care, business and ethical data management are involved in the project.

FairDatAct spearheads are:
-  Use and utilization of industrial data in manufacturing
-  Building data, e.g. as an aid to energy-efficient construction
-  Registry data in the health sector
-  Add value to business from data
-  Ethical FAIR principles for data management

FairDatAct is a profiling project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM). The project therefore aims to identify those areas where the expertise of TAMK's lecturers and RDI personnel is advanced and represents national or even international excellence. This promotes TAMK's participation in new high-level research and education projects.

Active interaction with stakeholders is at the core of FairDatAct. In addition to universities, this means dialogue with public administration, business and similar actors. FairDatAct increases effectiveness in the following ways:
-  Workshops and seminars
-  Demos
-  Discussions with stakeholders
-  Research publications
-  Blogs
-  Datasets
-  The FairDatAct playbook
-  New training contents

The best way to get information about the project's progress is through the project's project manager, Katri Salminen.

Funding source

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (OKM)

Contact persons

Katri Salminen
katri.salminen [at]