About me
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, PhD, Gerontology
In my research I am interested in questions related to ageing well, social relationships and interaction and longevity.
In my dissertation, completed in 2023, I studied the meaning of various everyday spaces and places for social relationships and interactions in old age. My research utilised qualitative interviews from the Aging and Social Well-being (SoWell) and Vitality 90+ projects at Tampere University.
Currently, I am studying themes related to longevity and its societal impacts and coordinating the multidisciplinary Century-Long Lives (CLL) profiling area.
I am studying the family relationships of the oldest old using life story interview data collected in the Vitality 90+ project.
I belong to the following multidisciplinary aging research networks: the Gerontology Research Center (GEREC) and the Center of Excellence in Research on Aging and Care (CoE AgeCare).
Fields of expertise
Qualitative research, interviews, focus group discussions, participant observation
Project links
Research topics
Ageing, older persons, the oldest old, social relationships, social interaction, home, service housing, spaces and places
Selected publications
Tuominen, Katariina (2023). Making Space for Social Relationships: Understanding ageing in social spaces. [Väitöskirja, Tampereen yliopisto]. Trepo Tampereen yliopiston julkaisuarkisto. https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-3193-1
Tuominen, K., Pirhonen, J., Lumme-Sandt, K., Ahosola, P. & Pietilä, I. (2023). No place to go? Older people reconsidering the meaning of social spaces in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Aging Studies, 67, Article 101167. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaging.2023.101167
Tuominen, K., Pietilä, I., Jylhä, M. & Pirhonen, J. (2022). A home, an institution and a community? – Frames of social relationships and interaction in assisted living. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 16(1), 49–73. https://doi.org/10.3384/ijal.1652-8670.3540
Tuominen, K. & Pirhonen J. (2019). “Who would take a 90-year-old?” Community-dwelling nonagenarians’ perceptions of social relationships. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 2019 13(1): 111-137.doi: 10.3384/ijal.1652-8670.18387
Ahosola, P., Tuominen, K., Tiainen, K., Jylhä, M., & Jolanki, O. (2021). Mikä muuttui vai muuttuiko mikään? Yli 65-vuotiaiden arki korona-aikana. Gerontologia, 35(4), 342–355. https://doi.org/10.23989/gerontologia.103376
Pirhonen, J., Seppänen, M., Pietilä, I., Tuominen, K., & Jylhä, M. (2021). Vanhuus ja sosiaalinen kuolema : Sosiaalisen kuoleman käsite vanhojen ihmisten haastattelupuheessa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 86(1), 5-15. Retrieved from http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe202102164942
Pirhonen, J., Lolich, L., Tuominen, K., Jolanki, O., & Timonen, V. (2020). “These devices have not been made for older people's needs” – older adults' perceptions of digital technologies in Finland and Ireland. Technology in Society, 62, 101287. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techsoc.2020.101287
Pirhonen, J., Jolanki, O., Tuominen, K. & Jylhä, M. (2019). Hyvinvointi vanhuudessa – valmistautumista, sopeutumista, luopumista ja hyväksymistä. Gerontologia, 33(3), 105-120. https://doi.org/10.23989/gerontologia.79424