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FAQ – Computers

Tampere University and TAMK

How can I change the power management settings on my computer?
How do I change Windows settings so that updates don't install on my computer while I work?

How can I save my screen on a video?
How can I edit environment variables, e.g PATH?

How can I change the power management settings on my computer?

You can change power management settings for closing the laptop lid:

  1. Open the Software Center and go to the Options tab on the left side of the window
  2. Open the Power Management section and check “Do not apply power settings from my IT department to this computer”
  3. Close the Software Center
  4. In the search field (magnifying glass) at the bottom of the screen, type “change what closing the lid does” and open it from the popup menu.
  5. Make the desired changes to the settings and click the Save changes button.

To edit other power management settings, click the up arrow in the upper left corner of the window.

How do I change Windows settings so that updates don't install on my computer while I work?

Some updates may be scheduled to install outside of active working hours. However, security updates will be installed at the specified time, if they have not been installed before through the updates tab in the Software Center. The Software Center notifies you of possible updates with an software changes required” notification.

You can change the active time settings from the Software Center.

  1. Open the Software Center and go to the options tab on the left side of the window.
  2. Select your normal working days and hours.
    Allow at least four hours each day for system maintenance tasks.
  3. Close the Software Center window.

How can I save my screen on a video?

Windows 10 machines come with a pre-installed Game Bar that can be used to take screenshots and save simple instructional videos from one program at a time. The program cannot be changed during the recording and, for example, the desktop or the full screen cannot be saved.

By default, the Game Bar saves pictures and videos to the Captures folder under the Videos folder. You can edit the Game Bar settings by clicking on the gear icon. Using the game bar does not require you to log in to a Microsoft account. For more instructions, visit Microsoft instruction page.

  1. Open the application from which you want to take a screenshot or save a video.
  2. Press the Windows key + G to launch the Game Bar
  3. Answer the question Do you want to open the Game Bar ? Yes, this is a game.
  4. The Game Bar control menu appears at the bottom of the screen.
    You can take a screenshot with the camera button (Win + Alt + Print Screen) or save the video with the Save From Now button (Win + Alt + R).

More versatile videos can be made with Panopto and PowerPoint, for example. Instructions for using Panopto and other video production programs can be found on the page  Recording, editing and sharing videos.

How can I edit environment variables, e.g PATH?

Some software packages use environment variables to specify their settings. A command line user can also specify folder paths to PATH environment variable, which includes command line programs often needed by the user.

You can edit environment variables by searching “Edit environment variables for your account” in Windows start menu. Please note that if you specify a value for the variable and a variable of the same name already exists in System environment variables, the value you specified will take effect.

It is a common misconception that you need an administrator user right to edit PATH variable. However, PATH variable is an exception: Windows combines the values of System and User level PATH variables. Therefore, you can specify new folders to PATH variable in the User side and it will not affect the functionality of the PATH variable in the System side. This is feasible on normal user rights.


IT Helpdesk
+ 358 294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 31.1.2019
Updated: 15.2.2022