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TechBites event takes a look at the dark side of technology

Published on 25.10.2019
Tampere University
Pitäisikö meidän olla huolissamme kaupallisesta tiedustelualasta? Mitä netin pimeällä puolella tapahtuu ja miksi tätä kysymystä täytyy tutkia? Miten tahallisesti valheellinen tieto leviää netissä? Mitä uhkia teknologian kehityksellä voi olla? Vai ovatko huolemme aiheettomia? Näihin ja moniin muihin kysymyksiin vastataan TechBites-tapahtumassa 30. lokakuuta.
Should we be concerned about commercial intelligence services? What happens on the dark side of the internet and why should we research it? How does intentionally false information spread on the internet? What are the potential threats posed by technological development? Or is there no cause for concern? These and many other questions are answered in the TechBites event on 30 October.

The Dark Side of Technology, the theme of this year's TechBites event, reflects the questions and concerns that are often associated with technology. The event will feature three keynote speeches and shorter presentations on a wide range of topics. The speakers are researchers and business representatives.

“TechBites highlights juicy bits in technology research and technological applications, supports the dialogue between business and research, and furthers collaboration,” says Marjut Kemiläinen, producer of the event.

Three keynote presentations on technology

The first keynote speech is given by Doctoral Student Mikko Räkköläinen.  He is studying the commercialisation of operations related to foreign and security policy. Many intelligence services purchase services from private companies, which raises many security and societal questions. The rapidly evolving technology challenges governments, companies and individuals to keep up to speed in the changing world.

Juha Nurmi explores the dark corners of the internet, eg drug trafficking, trade in personal data, and hacking. With his studies, Nurmi seeks to identify companies that may be vulnerable to illegal activities. With the Tor network and other anonymous systems, criminals can easily hide their digital footprints, which is why up-to-date, high-quality research is essential for the security of companies and individuals.

The third keynote speaker is Senior Research Fellow Jaana Parviainen who is a philosopher. Her research topic is ignorance: how does it appear in today's world that is described as a post-truth place where social media create echo chambers for like-minded people? Parviainen’s NEGATE research project is examining how the spread of influential misinformation and manufactured ignorance places pressure on the work of experts in various sectors.

Networking opportunities for researchers and businesspeople

The second part of the morning is called Pitch and Catch. Researchers give short presentations on their research themes and projects, after which the audience members select the topics they find the most interesting. The event offers networking opportunities for businesses and academics.

The TechBites event organised in October is the sixth of its kind. In 2020, Tampere University will organise three TechBites events.

The third part of the event, Science Playground, will provide an opportunity for the participants to have deeper discussions. The researchers will present their achievements at stands and talk to people interested in their studies.

The researchers will collect notes addressed to them during the day where the audience members write comments, questions or provide their contact information.

“Of course, we may naturally also use the Impact Canvas® developed at our University especially if we want to investigate the impact of the research themes from different perspectives,” Leena Köppä says.

Köppä works as the coach and facilitator of Science Playground with Marja Hyypiä. Prior to the TechBites event, they will train the pitchers to give excellent performances.

“At the end of the third round, we will count how many TechBites notes each pitcher has received. The winners of this playful competition will be rewarded. However, the best prizes are naturally useful contacts or perspectives or new partners,” Hyypiä says.


The TechBites event is organised on 30 October at 8.15–11.00 on the first floor of Kampusareena on the Hervanta campus. Registrations are invited by 28 October.


Inquiries: Marju Kemiläinen, tel. +358 40 737 2787, marjut.kemilainen [at]