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Library and Research Data Services assist with Open Science issues when applying for Research Council of Finland's funding

Published on 27.11.2023
Tampere Universities
viitekuvassa käsi ja koeputki, kädet tietokoneen näppäimillä ja kynää pitelevä käsi
Photo: Jonne Renvall / Tampereen yliopisto
Do you need tips on how to prepare a publication plan or how to describe key aspects of data management in your funding application for the Research Council of Finland? Library and Research Data Services experts can help you.

The Research Council of Finland requires that scientific publications on the results of its funded research projects are made open access, and that the research data produced by the projects are made widely available. Openness is one of the evaluation criteria for funding applications, i.e., the application must show how the project will implement the principles of open science.

The Library and Research Data Services experts can help you draft item 4.3 ‘Open science’ on your research plan. For advice on writing a publication plan, please contact the library's publication experts at oa [at] With issues related to data management, contact researchdata [at]

If you are applying for funding in the Research Council's Winter Call 2024, please send your question or plan for comments by the 10th of January 2024. Also, please note that during the Christmas holidays (22.12.2023–7.1.2024), limited assistance will be available.