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It is now possible to reserve the library's material for pick-up service - new pick-up service points will be opened soon!

Published on 20.5.2020
Tampere Universities
All members of the university community now have the opportunity to reserve the material in the library's collections for retrieval from the Hervanta unit. We are working to open pick-up points also to other Library units as soon as possible.

As part of the opening of services after the epidemic situation, we enable all members of the Tampere University community to reserve material from the library's collections despite the closure of the premises so that the customer can order the book they require using this form.

  • To reserve the material, the customer must have the customer information ready in the library system.

The book can only be picked up in the Hervanta Campus arena (Kampusareena) 1st floor short loan room, from where the customer must pick up and loan the material as selfservice.

Lisäksi toivoisimme että asiakkaamme noudattaisivat tarkasti annettuja turvallisuusohjeita noutaessaan varattua aineistoa Hervannan Kampusareenan lyhytlainatilasta:

In addition, we would like our customers to follow exactly the instructions given when retrieving the reserved material from the Hervanta Campus Arena's shortloan room: 

Only the person who reserved the material will be able to retrieve the material at Campus arena. Larger groups are not allowed in the lobby!

  • Only 1 person at a time in a short loan room. Because of the small space, only one person at a time can be in the room due to the social distancing regulations.
  • Waiting for access to the short loan room be sure to remember to have enough distance to your fellow students.
  • In the short loan room, you have antiseptic hand rub - use it.
  • If you have any respiratory symptoms, do not retrieve the book yourself from indoors.

Doors to Campus arena are open at the moment from 8 am to 4pm. In Hervanta short loan room or Campus arena lobby, it is not possible to stay longer than the time it takes to retrieve the reserved material. Staying on the premises is forbidden. The property is constantly monitored. 

Retrieval of the material is currently only possible from Hervanta. We are also working to open other pick-up points at other locations in the library as soon as possible. We will inform you more as soon as the necessary space preparations have been made.

Once the reserved material is retrievable, it will become the standard e-mail notification to the customer. Hervanta campus and contact information. 

In spite of the closure of the library premises, all of the library's online services will continue to function normally.

This page contains Tampere University Library policies during the corona virus pandemic.