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Uzair's internship story at Futurice

Published on 11.4.2024
updated on 12.4.2024
Tampere University
Uzair Ahmed is a master’s student in Signal Processing and Machine Learning at Tampere University. He did a 4-month internship at Futurice as part of his study programme. Now he tells you about his experience.

Finding the Opportunity

My internship search was primarily conducted through LinkedIn and Google. It was a well-planned process, spanning approximately two months. A crucial piece of information I wish I had known earlier was the possibility of earning university credits through internships.

Choosing Futurice

What drove me to Futurice was my eagerness to experience the professional world. Having focused mainly on academia, I was curious to see how theoretical knowledge translated into real-world applications.

A Typical Day

My days at Futurice were a blend of learning and practical work. I dedicated time to studying for various certifications while also engaging in client projects. This balanced approach allowed me to enhance my academic knowledge while applying it in a practical setting.

Skills Acquired

The three key skills I honed during my internship were:

  1. Interpersonal Skills: Navigating a professional environment required me to interact effectively with colleagues and clients.
  2. Programming Skills: Working on diverse projects helped refine my coding abilities.
  3. Teamwork: Collaborating with others on projects was a great way to learn the dynamics of working in a team.

Memorable Experience

A standout moment was an unforgettable company trip to Estonia. This journey with all the employees wasn’t just about fun; it was a unique opportunity to bond with the team and understand the company culture on a deeper level.

Impact on Career and Academics

This internship significantly influenced my academic direction. I found myself gravitating towards development courses to complement my machine learning studies, realizing the importance of practical application in software development.

Advice for Aspiring Interns

For students considering a similar path, my advice is twofold: Focus on developing your communication skills and have confidence in your coding abilities. In the professional world, expressing your ideas clearly is as important as your technical skills.

Recommending Futurice

I recommend an internship at Futurice to other students. The company culture is incredibly welcoming and supportive, resembling a family more than a workplace. This environment not only fosters learning and development but also makes you feel right at home.