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Suraj Panicker: Process modelling helps decision-making in additive manufacturing

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKorkeakoulunkatu 6, Tampere
Hervannan kampus, Konetalo, luentosali K1702 ja etäyhteys
Ajankohta10.2.2023 12.00–16.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
A researcher in a technology laboratory.
In his doctoral dissertation, Suraj Panicker explores modelling approaches to integrate relationships between processes, structures, properties, and performance in additive manufacturing. These tools can ease the decision-making in the designing and manufacturing and thus improve the performance of the manufactured product.

Every step of product development (i.e., design and manufacturing) involves a lot of choices about the sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing locations, manufacturing methods, and transportation alternatives to name a few. The decisions made during the product development stages define the environmental and societal impact the product will have during its lifecycle.

Through a graph-based probabilistic modelling approach, Suraj Panicker has developed a decision support system that can simulate and help compare the impact of these design and manufacturing choices.

To promote sustainable manufacturing goals, the dissertation looks at various additive manufacturing processes. Additive manufacturing is a rather young and maturing technology which is experiencing ground-breaking advancements at a steady pace.

“My dissertation is a small contribution to the field of additive manufacturing research, as it provides a modelling framework that can aid in improving product sustainability performance through simplified decision support,” says Suraj Panicker.

In addition, the study conducted as part of the dissertation explores the potential of two metal additive manufacturing processes (wire and arc additive manufacturing and selective laser melting) in the fabrication of functional components for the highly specialized cryogenic application.

The modelling framework is generic and can be adapted to other manufacturing processes too. The detailed steps involved in model development can be found in the dissertation.

The public defence on 10 February 2023

The doctoral dissertation of Suraj Panicker in the field of Mechanical Engineering titled Knowledge-based Modelling of Additive Manufacturing for Sustainability Performance Analysis and Decision Making will be publicly examined in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Tampere University at 14.00 on Friday 10 February 2023 in lecture hall K1702 of Konetalo building at Hervanta Campus (Korkeakoulunkatu 6, Tampere). The Opponents will be Engineering Specialist Ric Roca from Aerospace Corporation, USA, and Assistant Professor Guha Manogharan from Penn State University, USA. The Custos will be Professor Eric Coatanéa from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Tampere University.

The dissertation is available online.

Photo: Akshay Dhalpe