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Student Counsellors of TAMK

You can book a counselling appointment  or  contact your student counsellor by email firstname.lastname [at]

School of Business and Media

Hanna Saraketo

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership (in English)
  • Yrittäjyyden ja tiimijohtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma
  • Yrittäjyyden ylempi tutkinto-ohjelma

Eija Reunanen

  • Degree Programme in Business Administration, Sales Competence
  • Degree Programme in Business Administration, Virrat
  • Degree Programme in Business Administration, Mänttä-Vilppula
  • Degree Programme in Business Administration, Ikaalinen
  • Master's degree in International Selling and Sales Management
  • Degree Programme in Hospitality Management Part-Time Studies

Minna Lahnaoja (starting form 1.8.2024 Anu Vaaraniemi)

  • Degree Programme in Business Administration

Maija Joensuu

  • Bachelor's degree in International Business (in English)
  • Master's degree in Educational Leadership (in English)
  • Master's degree in International Business Management (in English)
  • Degree Programme in Culture and Arts
  • Degree Programme in Hospitality Management (day-time teaching)
  • Bachelor's degree in Media and Arts (in English)
  • Master's degree in Emerging Media (in English)
  • Master's degree in Screenwriting (in English)
  • Master's degree in Hospitality Management

School of Built Environment and Bioeconomy

Petri Murtomaa

  • Degree Programme in Construction Site Management
  • Degree Programme in Construction Engineering
  • Master's degree in Construction Engineering

Maija Ohvo

  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering, HVAC Systems
  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering, Electrical Building Services Master's
  • Master's degree in Building Services Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Construction Architect
  • Degree Programme in Bioproduct Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Laboratory Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Forestry
  • Environmental Engineering (in English)
  • Textile and Material Engineering (in English)
  • Master's degree in Risk Management and Circular Economy (in English)

Tiina Säilä

  • Master's Degree in Wellbeing Technology

School of Industrial Engineering

Harri Laaksonen

  • Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering

Petteri Jekunen

  • Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering (in English)

Anja Salo

  • Degree Programme in Vehicle Technology
  • Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Degree Programme in ICT Engineering
  • Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Master's Degree Programme in Smart Renewable Electric Energy Production
  • Master's Degree of Technology Management
  • Degree Programme in Business Information Systems, Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Master's Degree in Information System Competence

Anne Cumini

  • Master's Degree of Automation Technology


School of Health Care and Social Services


Irmeli Nieminen

  • Degree Programme in Emergency Care, Bachelor of Health Care
  • Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care, Midwifery, Bachelor of Health Care
  • Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care, Public Health Nursing, Bachelor of Health Care Master's
  • Degree in Clinical Expertise and Development, Master of Health Care Master's
  • Degree in Management of Health Care and Social Services

Eija Piikkilä

  • Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care, Bachelor of Health Care
  • Bachelor's degree in Nursing (in English)

Tiina Säilä

  • Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
  • Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy
  • Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Master’s Degree in Social Service Specialist
  • Master's Degree in Wellbeing Technology
  • Master's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation
  • Master's Degree Programme in Community Work and Multicultural Development, Master of Social Services (in English)

School of Pedagogical Innovations and Culture

Ville Nevalainen

  • Professional Teacher Education (in English)

Susanna Vainio (from 1.8.2024)

  • Bachelors's Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelors's Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Musical Theatre
  • Bachelors's Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Music Performance and Composing
  • Master’s Degree Programme in Culture and Arts, Music Pedagogue
Published: 5.2.2019
Updated: 17.6.2024