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Fields of expertise

Digital humanities

Conceptual history

Labour history

Selected publications

Turunen, Risto et al. (2022). Mining Emotions from the Finnish War Letter Collection, 1939–1944. Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), 135–44.

Sandberg, Kirsi et al. (2022). Analyzing Temporalities in Parliamentary Speech about Ideologies Using Dependency Parsed Data. Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), 406–414.

Taskinen, Ilari et al. (2021). Religion, Patriotism and War Experience in Digitized Wartime Letters in Finland, 1939–1944. Journal of Contemporary History, December 2021. DOI: 10.1177/00220094211066006

Turunen, Risto (2021). Shades of Red: Evolution of the Political Language of Finnish Socialism from the 19th Century until the Civil War of 1918. Helsinki: The Finnish Society for Labour History.

Turunen, Risto (2021). Making of Modernity in the Vernacular: On the Grassroots Variations of Finnish Socialism in the Early Twentieth Century. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 39 (1), 73-94. DOI: 10.14746/prt2021.1.4.

Andrushchenko, Mykola et al. (2021). Using parsed and annotated corpora to analyze parliamentarians’s talk in Finland. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 04 June 2021, 1-15. DOI: 10.1002/asi.24500

Turunen, Risto (2020). Macroscoping the Sun of Socialism: Distant Readings of Temporality in Finnish Labour Newspapers, 1895–1917. In Mats Fridlund, Mila Oiva & Petri Paju (Eds.), Digital Histories: Emergent Approaches within the New Digital History. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 303-323.

Marzec, Wiktor & Turunen, Risto. (2019). (Im)mobilités des idées. Socialismes itinérants dans les régions de Pologne et de Finlande de l’empire de Russie. Cahiers Jaurès 4/2019, 9-34.

Turunen, Risto. (2019). From the Object to the Subject of History. Writing Factory Workers in Finland in the Early 20th Century. In Kirsti Salmi-Niklander & Heiko Droste (Eds.), Handwritten Newspapers: An Alternative Medium during the Early Modern and Modern Periods. Helsinki: The Finnish Literature Society, 170-192.

Dominowska, Agata; Hyttinen, Elsi; Ivanics, Peter; Koho, Mikko; Pikkanen, Ilona; Turunen, Risto. (2019). Hiding in Plain Sight: Poetry in Newspapers and How to Approach It. Human IT: Journal for Information Technology Studies as a Human Science 14 (2), 145-171.

Marzec, Wiktor & Turunen, Risto. (2018). Socialisms in the Tsarist Borderlands: Poland and Finland in a Contrastive Comparison, 1830-1907. Contributions to the History of Concepts 13 (1), 22-50.

Suodenjoki, Sami & Turunen, Risto (Eds.). (2017). Työväki kumouksessa. Helsinki: The Finnish Society for Labour History.

Turunen, Risto. (2016). Sivistyksen käsitehistoriaa Finlaysonin tehtaalla 1800- ja 1900-lukujen vaihteessa. In Sakari Saaritsa & Sinikka Selin (Eds.) Työväki ja sivistys. Helsinki: The Finnish Society for Labour History, 23-56.