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Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.9.2017–31.8.2019

The main goal of the project is to increase teachers’ knowledge and skills in teaching use of technology to future workers and thus update and improve the quality of VET training. To achieve this we will map and describe good practices of using technology in teaching in each partner organisation. We will collect, combine, create and test teaching material. To reach the goal peer mentoring and peer learning will be utilised by both students and teachers. Along with the project teaching material will be gathered to be used and further developed by education providers European-wide. The focus of the project is on home care of elderly people.
Another goal of the project is to survey the current situation in cross-sectoral cooperation between different EQF levels in the partner countries and to find new solutions to enhance cooperation in wellbeing technology teaching.
During the activities TAMK will have the role of monitor and evaluator and TAMK will produce a written evaluation report on the project.


Working life and work in social and health care are changing rapidly worldwide due to digitalisation and increased utilisation of technology in care for people. It has been acknowledged in Finland that there is a need to increase and develop nursing staff's training in use of technology.
To be able to provide future workers with the skills needed in their work VET providers have to train their teachers to teach the new skills and develop learning environments to correspond to the needs of the future.

Funding source

Erasmus + Strategiset kumppanuudet (2014-2020)

Contact persons

Lea Saarni
lea.saarni [at]