TAMK is targeted in three different actions with SAMK:
-- to plan procedure
-- to strengthen TAOK students' competence of recognizing and encountering mental health and neuropsychiatric challenges - and also to strengthen VET teachers' and counselors' competence and the workplace instructors' competence of those challenges
-- to make peer review to find out the effectiveness of actions
According to previous studies and projects, the majority of Finnish adolescents are doing fine. However, disadvantaged social position, problems with coping and challenges with mental health accumulate, causing some adolescents significant problems to manage in several aspects of life. At its worst, these difficulties lead to dropping out of studies and to exclusion from education and working life.
TUKEE2 (SUPPORT2) project aims at cooperation culture that is based on experientiality and equality. The goal is to make the adolescent´s voice heard by active involvement, and experience and development expertise. Experiential knowledge and equality are raised alongside intellectual and practical knowledge to be a remarkable part in the development of the project.
The goal of TUKEE2 project is to continue putting into practice the evidence-based methodological competence started in TUKEE project to engage the adolescents and to support their mental health. Project work is carried out in the natural environment of the adolescents and with the adolescents and those working with them to strengthen their competence of recognizing and encountering mental health and neuropsychiatric challenges.
As a conclusion of the measures of the project, the readiness of the adolescents in directing towards vocational education, finishing their studies and entering the working life consolidate, and their future working life skills improve. A significant long-term consequence is the prevention of social exclusion and increase of inclusion of the adolescents in need of targeted mental support.
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) - TAMK Professional Teacher Education (TAOK) - is the partner in this project. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) is the coordinator. The project is targeted in Satakunta region.
Funding source
Contact persons
paivi.suominen-tontti [at] tuni.fi