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Sairaanhoitajaksi Suomessa

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.8.2022–31.12.2024

1. Increase the knowledge of Finnish social- and heath care structures and laws guiding them, patient safety and ethical principals to  nurses, who have non-Bachelor level degree from non - EU/ ETA - country.
2. Guide and support  nurses, who have non-Bachelor level degree from non - EU/ ETA - country in their process  to have right to practise nursing as a registered ( licensed) nurse
3. Promote learning of Finnish language to  nurses, who have non-Bachelor level degree from non - EU/ ETA - country. The goal to is to strengthen the Finnish language so that the nurses in the project would be able to practise as registered nurse in Finnish social- and health care
4. Summon, assess and apply compentence evaluation methods to  nurses, who have non-Bachelor level degree from non - EU/ ETA - country in relation to Finnish competence requirements
5. Offer nurses, who have non-Bachelor level degree from non - EU/ ETA - country in five regional areas involved the project opportunity to complement their competence areas in education and practical training organised by Universities of applied sciences in the project together with working life.


In the project five Universities of Applied sciences together with working life representatives develop a path to working life for nurses, who have non-Bachelor level degree from non - EU/ ETA - country. To be able to practice as a registered ( licensed) nurse these nurses need to apply for the right to practise the profession from Valvira. Project responds to worsening shortage of nurses by developing regional pilots and qualifying processes to non-Bachelor level nurses, who have a degree from non-EU/ ETA - country. Project is coordinating by Laurea, with partnerships of TAMK, TurkuAMK, Savonia ja OAMK.

Funding source


Contact persons

Johanna Kangaspunta
johanna.kangaspunta [at]