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Tampere University
National infrastructure
Hervanta Campus
AddressTC131, Hervanta campus
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RoboStudio Header

Robostudio is a multidisciplinary co-learning space to work with lovely social robots. It is dedicated for educational purposes and the activity is strongly connected to research as well. User Experience in Robotics course runs in this space, as well as social robotics-related thesis projects.

Robotic events can be organized in Robostudio, in close collaboration with TAU students, pupils and students from Tampere schools, and companies. When robotic people don't need Robostudio, it can be used by others as well for inspirational meetings or teaching.


We have several kinds of social robots in Robostudio, for example:

  • Pepper, who is a great icebreaker in events
  • Nao, who is very capable of running physical exercise sessions
  • Alphamini, loved by the kids
  • Cozmo, easy-to-program, small but efficient mobile robot
  • Temi Robot, for wellness (contact person: Davide Taidi)
  • Clicbot, easy-to-program, can have different shapes
  • QTRobot, a EU safe robot.
Robostudio robots


We welcome multi-disciplinary robotic activities and projects to work in Robostudio, and we are happy to demonstrate our robots if you want to familiarize yourself with them! For us, inclusiveness, great team spirit, and creativity are values that matter most.

Robostudio co-learning space is located in TC131, Hervanta campus.