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ROBOP - Communal learning in financial administration robotisation

Tampere University

The aim of the project is to study digitalisation - and robotisation - related communal learning practices in financial administration organisations. The focus of the project is especially on how the use of software robotics is learned at work, and which factors support employees' agency in the changing work. The study provides new understanding on communal learning proctices and their role in organisational digitalisation: what kind of learning and information practices are essential in the ongoing change, and how they support employees' agency and expertise.


Robotisation changes work in financial administration organisations which requires constant learning as well as organisational practices that support the learning process. This project provides understanding on how robotics are adopted as part of the work communities' practices and conventions. The results aim to shed light on informal communal learning and information practices that are key in change and the development of new skills.

The study provides understanding on informal learning in the digitalisation process as well as how organisations can support the development of new skills and expertise. The discussion on communal learning also brings forth employees' agency in the digitalisation/robotisation process: what kind of possibilities employees have to take part in their organisation's digitalisation process, and how agency is constructed in organisational and work communities' practices.

Funding source

The Finnish Work Environment Fund

Contact persons

Kirsi Heikkilä-Tammi

Research director

kirsi.heikkila-tammi [at]

+358 50 420 1532


Laura Bordi


laura.bordi [at]

+358 40 190 1206


Sanna Nuutinen


sanna.nuutinen [at]

+358 50 318 7838