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Research project TOSI-tilat

Tampere University
Duration of project1.2.2022–30.11.2022
Area of focusHealth, Society, Technology
ihmisiä opiskelemassa avoimessa oppimisympäristössä

TOSI-tilat is a research and development project, which aims at examining the operational needs for future learning and work environments of the university community, both the students and the staff members. The result of the project is a study of the permanent effects of the pandemic on the use of spaces at Tampere University. In addition, the study will result in a broader overview of the future university education in a global context. The faculties taking part in this research are the Faculty of Built Environment and the Faculty of Business and Management. The project involves University Properties of Finland Ltd, Campus Development, and Faculty of Built Environment. The purpose of the study is to find solutions that could be utilized more widely on different university campuses.


Funding source

Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt oy

Tampereen yliopiston kampuskehitys

Tampereen yliopiston rakennetun ympäristön tiedekunta
