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OpenKin - Sensor fusion for kinesiology research

Tampere University

The project aims to develop mathematical models, algorithms, open software libraries, and demo prototypes to enable human motion and gait studies in the field. The systems will be tested by real-time estimation of biomechanical and physiological parameters of athletes engaged in training and competition in different sports, in particular, running and rowing. The project consortium combines expertise in multi-sensor technology for personal navigation and motion classification at Tampere University and expertise in biomechanical studies in the University of Jyvaskyla.


We have built two dataloggers, each containing a microprocessor, SatNav receiver, IMU, compasses, barometers, GSM/LTE module, memory card, and battery. One has been tested at University of Jyväskylä on an outdoor track for walking and running with 20 subjects of different fitness level. We have developed a new data processing approach for measurement of kinematic parameters: velocity, acceleration, body orientation and angular velocities. We have produced software for data wrangling, step segmentation and computation of basic motion metrics (speed, stride frequency, vertical oscillation, braking force, etc.). We are doing validation tests with high-precision motion tracking equipment, in-shoe pressure sensors, and oxygen uptake mobile measurement equipment.


Perinteisesti kinesiologian tutkimusta tehdään laboratorioissa, joissa on erityiset mittalaitteet, mikä aiheuttaa rajoitteita tehtävälle tutkimukselle. OpenKin-projektin taivoitteena on poistaa näitä rajoitteita käyttämällä uuden sukupolven pieniä ja edullisia antureita liikkeen mittaamiseen luonnollisessa ympäristössä. Uusi anturiteknologia tulee olemaan pohjana uusille liikeanalyysimenetelmille, jotka voivat parantaa urheilijoiden suorituskykyä ja harjoittelua. Projektissa kehitettyjä ratkaisuita voidaan soveltaa muun muassa uimiseen, soutamiseen ja juoksemiseen.

Funding source

Academy of Finland

Contact persons

Robert Piche


robert.piche [at]



Pavel Davidson

Senior research fellow / Doctor

pavel.davidson [at]
