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Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.8.2017–29.2.2020

OPEKE focuses on the whole continuum of VET teacher education: starting from the selection process, learning and supervision, and contacts with working life. It is also ensured that teacher educators' skills are up to date. Development pilots will be used to build models for development of career-long skills among vocational teachers and adult education teachers. Teachers are also supported in implementing the vocational education reform. All this is done in close cooperation with education providers, students, teachers and working life.


The project is coordinated by Häme University of Applied Sciences and all VET teacher education units in Finland take part in the project implementation network: Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Oulu University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University of Applied Sciences. The University of the Arts Helsinki takes part in a sub-project concerning continuing education and teachers' career paths.


A1. Recruiting the most potential applicants to VET teacher education. Career guidance of applicants (coordination TAMK)

A2. Renewal of the curriculum processes at schools of professional teacher education (coordination Haaga-Helia)

A3. Development of teacher educators' competences (coordination JAMK)

B1. Pilot. Development of VET teacher education and in-service training of teacher students. Supportive measures for graduating teachers in their initial career phase (coordination HAMK)

B2. Pilot. Continuing professional development of VET teachers and their career paths (coordination OAMK)

OPEKE is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The funding for the period of 1.8.2017-31.12.2019 is 2,199,000 euros.

Funding source

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (OKM)

Contact persons

Juha Lahtinen
juha.lahtinen [at]