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Tampere University

OMAgroup is a multidisciplinary research team focusing on relations between daily life, public participation, social services and governance especially in urban contexts. We are interested on diverse groups and actors possibilities to make a difference and live their life in the city.

Research focus and goals

The aim is to study inclusive practices, possibilities of agency and social and democratic innovations in theory and practice. In our research projects, we develop creative methods for studying everyday life activities and understandings in relation to social and public policies. Along with scientific contribution we contribute to novel practices of inclusion and participation for sustainable urban development.  We collaborate with scholars from Finland and abroad.For developing new methods of research, and public participation and interaction between actors, we organize co-creation workshops, public seminars and local experiments with municipalities and civil society associations, politicians, practitioners and residents.


A Key to Success? Scrutinising the Communication of Knowledge in the Interpretation of Participatory Budgeting (Suomen Akatemia, 2017-2020)

Ketterä kaupunki (Suomen Akatemia STN, 2016-2019)

Kuntoutus, palvelut ja työllistyminen. Nuorten kuntoutusrahaa saavien yhteiskunnallista osallisuutta vahvistavat käytännöt (Kela, 2017-2019)

Naapurijurtta - Tutkimus naapuruuden arkisista kudelmista ja sosiaalisista suhteista (2018-2020, Koneen Säätiö)

On the sidelines. Depression-related work disability among young adults in Finland (Suomen Akatemia, 2017-2019)

Rationalizations of Participation. Local activism changes the forms of participation in urban planning (Wihuri 2016-)

Other members

Liisa Häikiö, Anna-Kaisa Kuusisto, Liina Sointu, Pauliina Lehtonen, Sanna Rikala, Eeva Puumala, Jarkko Salminen, Jonas Sjöblom, Henna Luoma-Halkola, Yrjö Kallinen, Ronja Kuokkanen, Antti Wallin.

Contact persons

Liisa Häikiö


liisa.haikio [at]

+358 50 318 6095