The first objective of the project is to concretely improve the employee experience, occupational wellbeing and
productivity by developing the operation towards employee self-direction and involvement and increasing internal entrepreneurship. The second objective is to develop a model for superiors to support their coaching approach to work. The third objective is to develop an operational model which promotes networking between social and health care companies and enables diverse cooperation forms. The operational model is dynamic and based on learning by doing.
The aim of the YTY project is to develop the operational culture of social and health care companies towards
collaboration, involvement and teamwork. The project develops and pilots operational practices in order to engage and commit employees to develop their work. The key parts of the operational model are immediate superiors’ coaching approach, promotion of employees’ involvement and collaboration and development of personal work. The project tests participatory methods and different forms of self-direction and team learning among companies in a cooperative manner. The project will be implemented by Tampere University of Applied Sciences on 1 August 2018 – 31 May 2020.
Funding source
Contact persons
vesa.joutsen [at]