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Monitoring conditions in buildings

Tampere University
National infrastructure
International infrastructure
Hervanta Campus
AddressRakennushalli, Korkeakoulunkatu 5 F
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Field measurements

Temperature, moisture, and other conditions as well as indoor air quality can be assessed during both construction and maintenance with various follow-up measurements.

Typical measurements in building physics are temperature, relative humidity, moisture content of material, air pressure differences, and heat flow. Tampere University’s Building physics research group is also able to measure air impurities, such as CO2, VOC, radon, fine particles and microbes.

If needed, outdoor monitoring can accompany indoor monitoring. Outdoor monitoring may include temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and speed, rain on vertical and horizontal surfaces, direct and diffusive solar radiation, and long-wave heat radiation.

Building airtightness is measured with a pressure test, and airtightness is portrayed by air leakage q50. To locate points of air leakage thermographic imaging can be done.