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Mimetic Interfaces (MIMEFACE) 2014-2018

Tampere Universities
Duration of project1.1.2014–31.12.2018

Mimetic interfaces refer to a new type of user interface technology in which computing and technical solutions are built to measure and imitate (mime) human behavioural functions so that lost functions can be restored digitally. The specific aim of the current project is to study and develop user interface technology especially targeted at improving and rehabilitation of face functionality (i.e. facial mimics) after unilateral facial paresis. Ultimately we envision technology that measures electric activity of facial muscles from the intact side of the face and routes this measured signal via small scale computing device to the affected side to stimulate the dysfunctional muscles.


This represents a new type of user interface technology where an individual will be able to use his or her own bodily behavior to simultaneously control the behavior of other parts of the body. This means basically that a computer will be developed to act as a driver of human behavior. The project will be implemented by a multidisciplinary consortium involving expertise from computer science (especially man-machine interaction), psychology and psychophysiology of facial behavior, engineering, and medicine (specialists in clinical treatment of facial paresis).

Funding source

Academy of Finland

Contact persons

Professor Veikko Surakka / Responsible Director

+358 40 557 3265

veikko.surakka [at]