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Learning Analytics for Universities of Applied Sciences'

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.3.2018–31.8.2021

The aims of the project are to
-  find out the learning analytics users' needs for data collection
-  pilot and develop the digital environments used in UAS based on the needs of learning analytics users
-  pilot and evaluate learning and study processes applying learning analytics as well as learning solutions in different UAS
-  create guidelines for effective use of learning analytics in UAS and
-  develop the competence in advanced use of learning analytics in UAS.


Learning analytics is about gathering, measuring, analysing and reporting data concerning learners and learning environments. The gathered data will be utilised in developing teaching and describing learning processes and it can be used for example in recognising students' learning paths and possible obstacles in studies. This project will focus on developing the competences in using learning analytics in collaboration with eleven HEIs and on developing the digital environments which support use of learning analytics.

Funding source

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (OKM)

Contact persons

Hanna Teräs
hanna.teras [at]

Annika Latva
annika.latva [at]