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KIVAKO – Improving language reserve at universities

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.8.2018–31.12.2021

The aim is to create a national supply for foreign language learning, which supports development of a national language reserve through a digital, pedagogical approach. A network of teachers from several higher education institutions (HEI) will build the supply. The supply will consist of learning paths from A1 to C1, built according to digital pedagogical models. It will be openly usable in national or regional collaboration. The project will utilise a rotation model, which will be structured during the project. The supply will also take advantage of international students’ language skills as a part of the study paths being offered as well as through recognition of prior learning. The students use a self-evaluation tool to identify their own starting level and choose the study path which best suits their learning goals. The project will create national, regional and thematic collaboration networks for pedagogical training and expertise development for teachers.


Proficiency in English is a prerequisite for expert tasks demanding higher education. As the working life becomes increasingly globalised, skills in other foreign languages as well as cultural competences are also required (all the way to advanced levels). As languages are studied less, the national language reserve has significantly decreased. This project will improve the study paths of foreign languages at HEIs by combining and creating new approaches, in both national and regional collaboration.

Funding source

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (OKM)

Contact persons

Kirsi Saarinen
kirsi.saarinen [at]