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Hiedanranta as a trendsetter for urban nutrient cycles

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.6.2018–30.11.2020


This project is implemented in the Hiedanranta area in the city of Tampere. Hiedanranta is a new city district for 25 000 residents and 10 000 jobs in the West side of the city. It is being developed in collaboration with city residents, enterprises and organisations. The Hiedanranta area serves as a piloting platform for new, sustainable circular economy innovations, technologies and methods.
The aim of this project is to make a plan for the sustainable utilisation of wastewater streams produced in the area. The work includes extensive LCA process where the best available and suitable technological solutions, life cycle, cost effects and nutrient and energy balances are taken into account. The project also includes pilots and tests of selected technologies.

Funding source

Ympäristöministeriö (YM)

Contact persons

Tiiti Kämäri
tiiti.kamari [at]