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Good life for persons living with dementia (Argumenta project)

Tampere University
Duration of project1.1.2023–31.12.2025

Along with population ageing in Finland, the number of persons with dementia is expected to rise, even to triple, in the next three decades. Instead of today’s around 200,000 persons living with dementia, the number is likely to exceed half a million in Finland by 2050. Dementia affects not only the patient but also, significantly, the people close to them. Therefore dementia affect large number of people in one way or another.

This Argumenta Project increases public discussion on dementia and related themes. The project organizes a series of multidisciplinary workshops to promote multidisciplinary collaboration. The aim is to generate new, more comprehensive understanding about life with dementia, which can be used to make the society more dementia-friendly.

Funding source

The Finnish Cultural Foundation



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