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Dwellers in agile Cities / Subproject 5 Innovative Design

Tampere University

In the multidisciplinary DAC research project, the dweller is seen as the main driver of urban development and change. The objective of the project is to recognize future living needs and create novel models for cooperation between varied actors, such as construction companies, housing companies, housing estates, city officials, and diverse dweller groups. The project is divided into five subprojects. Subproject 5 Innovative Design focuses on agile design, i.e. spatially flexible and dweller inclusive housing solutions.


In the first phase, we created an analysis of interesting and promising international cases, which could be applied to the Finnish context. Via co-design we also scrutinised the Finnish case studies and needs of various dweller groups. In the second phase, we analysed experimental cases and practices of living, housing and urban mobility. In the third phase, lead by Subproject 5 Innovative Design, we developed a web-based application, which introduces a varied set of means and recipes for agile housing. The web-based application functions as a research tool and a project outcome, being simultaneously a bank of ideas and information, both of which can be utilized in housing design and development.


Cities are not cities without dwellers. The dweller as the driver of urbanization has been neglected in the current development of cities. An agile city is capable of adjusting to temporary and sudden shifts in external conditions but also to the long-term needs of the dwellers and their diverse ways of living. Currently, dwellers, housing companies and NGOs often have to deal with inflexible and outdated practices within the cities when trying something new in housing, living and working in the city. The emerging needs of marginalized societal and cultural groups, such as migrants and elderly with care needs, further challenge this state.

Funding source

Academy of Finland

Contact persons

Jyrki Tarpio

Project manager

jyrki.tarpio [at]

+358 50 324 2356