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Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project6.5.2020–31.12.2021

The aim of the project is to strengthen the in-depth competence of teaching and supervision staff in the utilization of digital pedagogy and teaching technology. The aim is to strengthen the participants' 1) skills to utilize digital in a pedagogically pleasing way in their own teaching and supervision work, 2) to develop digital pedagogical competence in their own field and working life network, and 3) to develop extensive and future-oriented utilization of digital in their own organization. As a result of the project, the teaching technology competence of the teaching and supervision staff will be deepened step by step.


The project develops the digital pedagogical competence of vocational education teaching and guidance staff from an individual, educational and organizational perspective.

Funding source

Opetushallitus (OPH)

Contact persons

Juha Lahtinen
juha.lahtinen [at]