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DEEVA Using Data and Experiences in Novel Ecosystem Level Value Co-Creation

Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.11.2016–30.4.2019

DEEVA provides companies with a consumer-driven process for creating a comprehensive, up-to-date understanding of why they should be interested in developing their analytic skills and methods and how they should do it with multiple, high-speed and real-time data analytics. The research question is as follows: what kinds of means, modes and contexts combining data, emotions and experiences digitalisation enables. The project will offer guidance on building up the entire "pipeline for value co-creation" from goal setting to data implementation and making use of this intelligence to form new business practices and innovative service solutions. The research is divided in three areas: 1) use of blended data sources, 2) an empirically proven "pipeline for value co-creation", 3) empowerment of data through a wide set of interdisciplinary competences.


The DEEVA project utilises the opportunities of digitalisation to create value from data and to develop new, customer-driven service products and methods which support value co-creation and are based on deep understanding of customer experience. The research question is as follows: what kinds of means, modes and contexts combining data, emotions and experiences digitalisation enables. The project is carried out with a large and versatile network of enterprises. The participating 20 companies vary in size and industry, e.g. energy, media, banking, ICT, real estate, commercial and service sectors are represented in the project.  The multisectoral group of enterprises enhance both co-learning and gaining of new insights into the research topic.  The project is implemented by a multidisciplinary research consortium of three universities: Tampere University of Technology, Turku University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with six international universities.  In addition to information and publications for different target groups the project will create tools and applications for measuring customer experience and analysing emotional data in real-time. The information provided by the tools and applications can be used in everyday activities of companies to support e.g. management of the multi-channel service environment and development of new service products and co-creative ecosystems.

Funding source


Contact persons

Leena Mäkelä
leena.makela [at]