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Tampere University
Duration of project1.5.2019–30.11.2023
Area of focusTechnology

CIRCuIT (Circular Construction in Regenerative Cities) is an international four-year project focusing on the circular economy in the construction sector. In it, partners from four countries and four cities (Denmark/Copenhagen, Germany/Hamburg, the United Kingdom/Greater London and Finland/the Helsinki region) collaborate. The Finnish participants of the project are Tampere University, Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY), City of Vantaa, Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre, Ramboll Finland Ltd, and Umacon Ltd.


The overall objective of CIRCuIT is to demonstrate innovative solutions for closing the loop of urban materials and resource flows in the built environment sector. These solutions will support the transformation of cities into centres of circular innovation. Three basic solutions to promote the transition are

  1. Urban mining and reverse cycles
  2. Extend life-cycle through transformation and refurbishment of the built environment
  3. Design for disassembly and flexible construction

To enable cities to shift rapidly towards circular economy, research will be conducted, and operating models developed in the project. Data and knowledge will be brought together on a holistic basis, and, for example, a Circularity Hub as a one-stop-shop for demand and supply of circular materials and construction components will be initiated.

Role of Tampere University in the project

CIRCuIT involves researchers from both units of the Faculty of Built Environment, i.e. Architecture and Civil Engineering. They carry out research based on all three aspects mentioned above in work packages Map flows of built environment materials (WP3), Urban mining and reverse cycles (WP4), Extend life-cycles through transformation and refurbishment (WP5), and Design for disassembly and flexible construction (WP6). Associate Professor Satu Huuhka coordinates Work Package 5.

Funding source

The project is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme (grant agreement No 821201).

Coordinating organisation

The project is internationally coordinated by the City of Copenhagen, and the Finnish cluster by HSY (Helsinki Region Environmental Services).