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Children in care: Globalization and resistance

Tampere University
Duration of project1.9.2021–31.8.2026
Area of focusHealth, Society

The project analyses global trends in policy and practice concerning children without parental care. The focus is on the policy of childcare deinstitutionalization (DI), which aims to move children from residential institutional care to family-based environment.

The project has two parts. In the first part, I will study which countries become early or late DI policy adopters. I will collect data on DI national policies for 193 countries during 1989-2019, and analyse the effect of different factors on the time of policy adoption.

In the second part, I will study a contrasting trend – transnational support of orphanages by three types of transnational non-state actors: transnational (private) individuals, transnational faith-based non-governmental organizations, and transnational corporations.

By using archives and interviews, I will study these actors as distinct communities, with their distinctive identities, resources, ties, hierarchies, sources of legitimacy, normative authority etc, and their roles in transporting specific institutional care practices and models across borders.

The two parts of the project will help us better understand how transnationalism affects the provision for children without parental care.


Funding source

Suomen Akatemia