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Recycle your hard plastics on the 5th of June at the Hervanta campus!

Tampere University
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 7, 33720 Tampere
Date5.6.2023 4.30–15.00
Entrance feeFree of charge
Three pink buckets with PE and PP logos on the side.
Plastic industry companies and regional recycling centres are hosting an “#Ämpäristöteko” event to collect rigid plastic from households on Monday the 5th of June. Tampere University is taking part in the event, and our plastic collecting stand will be at the Hervanta campus. The Finnish Plastic Industries Federation is the coordinator of the event.

The Ämpäristöteko event promotes the importance of recycling plastic and encourages everyone to recycle household plastic routinely. Plastic is a valuable material, and recycling it is a responsible act towards a sustainable future. This is why Tampere University is also taking part in the Ämpäristöteko event and offers every resident of the city of Tampere a chance to recycle the hard plastic in their homes. 


What can I recycle? 

The point of the event is to recycle plastic items made of PE (polyethylene) and PP (polypropylene). These materials can be recycled the easiest and are the most common type of plastic in households. Items fit for recycling can be, for example, the following items: 

  • old buckets
  • sleds
  • garden furniture made of plastic
  • children’s bathtubs
  • tubs
  • flowerpots
  • lunchboxes and moving boxes
  • empty water canisters
  • watering cans

Do notice that the items being recycled must be entirely made of plastic. Metals and other types of material that don’t belong in plastic recycling (for example the metal parts of snow scoops) must be removed from the items before you bring them to be recycled

Other types of plastic or filmy items, cords, or hoses can’t be accepted as they belong in mixed waste. Ordinary packing plastic belongs in the packing plastic recycling, electronic devices belong in the electronic waste, and plastics that may contain dangerous substances or remnants of it belong in their own type of waste. 

More information on how to recycle plastic can be found on the Muovikuuluukiertoon web page (only available in Finnish) .


When and where? 

The recycling stand of Tampere University will be at the Hervanta campus, address Korkeakoulunkatu 7. The stand is at the end of the parking lot that goes along the road when arriving from the side of Hervannan valtaväylä. The stand will be open on Monday the 5th of June from 7.30 AM to 6 PM.

More information on the event can be found on the Finnish Plastic Industries Federation’s web page (only available in Finnish).