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Physics Colloquium: Quantum Imaging meets Adaptive Optics

Tampere University
LocationKorkeakoulunkatu 1, Tampere
Hervanta Campus, Tietotalo building, TB109
Date2.5.2024 12.15–13.15
Entrance feeFree of charge
Prof. Hugo Defienne from Sorbonne University, Paris, France will speak about quantum entanglement, imaging and adaptive optics. The presentation will include an introduction to the topic as well as latest research results. The event is hosted by Associate Professor Robert Fickler from Tampere University. The lecture is targeted to researchers, scientists, teachers and students of physics.

Imaging technologies rooted in quantum principles, known as quantum imaging, can surpass classical methods or offer novel imaging capabilities otherwise unattainable. For instance, some of these methods exceed the diffraction limit or enable sub-shot-noise imaging. In our work, we harness the quantum properties of entangled photon pairs within the realm of adaptive optics. Specifically, we demonstrate that measuring spatial correlations between photon pairs allows for more effective aberration correction in a label-free imaging system compared to conventional methods. This approach could play a pivotal role in the development of future quantum microscopes. In this presentation, we'll delve into quantum entanglement, imaging, adaptive optics, and there will even be cat pictures — you should come and see!


Target audience

Researchers, scientists, teachers and students of physics

Further information

Robert Fickler,