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Open Science Researcher Workshop 3.10. 2019 - topics visibility and impact

Published on 19.9.2019
Tampere Universities
What is ORCID and why should you use it? What is h-index and how should it be used? What are Journal Impact Factors? This fall's first Open Science Researcher Workshop will cover the basics of researcher visibility and measuring research impact.

In addition to a presentation by information specialists from the library, specialist Laura Himanen will talk about responsible measuring of impact. The workshop will be in English. You can stay after the workshop and we will help you create an ORCID profile or check your Scopus profile. Join the workshop to hear more!

  • When? Thursday 3rd of October 2019 at 13:15-15:00
  • Where? Teaching class Logos (A119), Hervanta, Kampusareena
  • For whom? Staff and students of Tampere Universities or Tays

You can sign up for the Workshop and ask question in advance with this form. You can also join the workshop without signing up in advance.

For more information, contact: lib.metrics [at] (lib[dot]metrics[at]tuni[dot]fi)