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Open Plenary Sessions: Symposium on Populism Institute for Advanced Social Research, Tampere University 4–5 December 2019

LocationKanslerinrinne 1, 1st fl., 33100 Tampere
Tampere University, Pinni B Building, Auditoriums B1097 (4 December) and B1100 (5 December)
Date4.12.2019 0.00–5.12.2019 0.00 (UTC+2)
The symposium aims to shed a critical light on populism as a class, discursive and affective formation, especially how these manifold dimensions are effective in distinguishing political varieties, forms and limits of populism.

Welcome to Open Plenary Sessions!

Symposium on Populism
Institute for Advanced Social Research, Tampere University
4–5 December 2019

Programme: Symposium website  

While populism is often defined as the dividing of political space into two antagonistic forces as people and elite, it always carries a high level of ambiguity as to its political meaning and its extremely varied manifestations in different national and historical contexts. The symposium aims to shed a critical light on populism as a class, discursive and affective formation, especially how these manifold dimensions are effective in distinguishing political varieties, forms and limits of populism.

Some of the questions we would like to explore are: the relationship between populism, authoritarianism and racism; rhetoric of populism; populism and media; populism and gender; populism and democracy; populism and class; populism and nationalism; populism, state and security; continuities and discontinuities between left- and right-wing populisms; populism as subjective and affective formation; and various national cases of populism.   

You are warmly welcome to join us for the open plenary sessions on 4-5 December 2019


4 December 2019, Auditorium Pinni B1097

12:00–13:45 Plenary


Risto Heiskala 


Mahmut Mutman


Juha Herkman

Welfare state as a floating signifier: Populist articulations in the Nordic countries  

Tuula Vaarakallio

French Yellow Vest Movement and Populism  


5 December 2019, Auditorium Pinni B1100

10:00–11:45 Plenary

Opening & Chair

Robert Imre


Pertti Alasuutari

The Populist Turn in a Global Perspective  

Tuija Saresma

Affective Populism: Gendering and Racialization through Social Media  


Programme: Symposium website  


Tampere University Institute for Advanced Social Research, IASR

Further information

Marjukka Virkajärvi,, +358 50 318 6697