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Open lecture on the current state and the future of public service interpreting

Tampere University
LocationKanslerinrinne 1, Tampere
City centre campus, Pinni B building, room B1096
Date13.10.2022 14.30–16.30
Registration deadline: 12.10.2022,20.55
Entrance feeFree of charge
Autumn picture wih yellow leaves in the background, in front a branch with green leaves and red berries.
Professor Hanne Skaaden (Oslo Metropolitan University) will give an open lecture titled “Interpreting in Institutional Encounters. On the path to professionalization?”

The lecture is aimed at professional interpreters, interpreting students, stakeholders in the field of community interpreting as well as researchers and everyone interested in multilingual communication. The lecture is given in English. 

If you wish to listen to the lecture via streaming, please provide your email address by 12.10.2022 at the latest via the registration link

The lecture is a part of the annual Nordic seminar for interpreter trainers, which in 2022 is organised by the interpreter trainers at Tampere University and Tampere Adult Education Centre (TAKK).


ITC, Languages Unit, Multilingual Communication and Translation Studies, Interpreter Training

Further information

University Instructor Anu Viljanmaa (