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MET: teaching demonstrations fo appointing title of docent 6.11.2023

Tampere University
Date6.11.2023 13.00–13.40
Entrance feeFree of charge
The following teaching demonstrations will be given as part of the application for title of docent at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology:

• Klo 15.00–15.15 Applicant LT Pasi Jolma, field neurologia, topic of the teaching demonstration: ”Aivoinfarktipotilaan triage – tunnistus ja hoitoonohjaus tänään”

• Klo 15.20–15.35 Applicant LT Saara Marttila, field epigenetiikka, topic of the teaching demonstration: ”Epigeneettiset kellot biologisen iän mittarina”



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Further information

Sara Lamminmäki, johdon erityisavustaja,